View Full Version : trying to quit smoking

19-09-11, 16:00
hi everyone i suffer from health anxiety ,i smoke which i really dont want too,half my worry are about smoking but everytime i try to quit i get through a few days but then keep having massive panic attacks which scare me back into smoking,i was doing really well using a nicotine cigarette most of the time and two or three fags a day but i googled and got worried as some ppl sai it was dangerous to use both.any help would be nice,thanks.

19-09-11, 17:45
Sign up to the NHS quit smoking service and you get to see a counsellor which will really help.

Maybe try the patches as well

19-09-11, 18:51
Smoked three packs a day for 42 years .Had lng xrays done,nothing wrong. I quit havent touched a cigarette in almost a moth . I used a patch of only 10 cigs a day,and dont even use it anymore. Found it raised my heartbeat. I dont know ,I have had some pretty bad attacks since getting out of the hospital but not wanted a cigeretette. They did however find something on my adrenal gland and in my kidney but yet to. be confirmed what ,but you can quit believe me you can quit. Just stop it!

19-09-11, 18:52
Sign up to the NHS quit smoking service and you get to see a counsellor which will really help.

Maybe try the patches as well

+1. Group sessions, counselling, personalized quit plan and assistance with expense, I wouldn't have done it without them.

Sammy J
20-09-11, 16:24
I'm on day 1 of my quit so we could support each other? :)

I've tried to quit several times but either my anxiety goes through the roof or I get shocking headaches or reflux and that makes me smoke again! Seems daft.

Am sure we can do it though... I'm using medium strength patches x

21-09-11, 02:40
i know it is hard but it is not impossible. i started smoking when i was 15. i was a pack a day smoker sometimes more. i have quit time and time again and this time i did it without a patch. its been 2 months and i dont even crave them. you have to stay away from alcohol for a while because it will make you want to smoke. what helped me the most was exercise .. good luck