View Full Version : help and advice on getting better

cook ie
19-09-11, 16:13
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some advice about anti d's and therapy. I haven't visited the site for months but I'm now 6 months pregnant and the health anxiety is getting even worse! I spend most of my time worrying about illness and death. I'm so upset and fed up with this anxiety, I can deal with it ruining my life but do not want my child to suffer as a result by having a depressed and stressed out mother. I should be so happy but instead feel very alone and drained by health anxiety right now.

Anyway I was wondering if anyone could give me some good advice about finally overcoming this? do anti depressants help (for after baby born!) CBT? meditation?

I would really appreciate any help and advice - I really have had enough of feeling like this!

thanks for listening x

~glowly worm~
19-09-11, 16:21
Hey cookie,

sorry to learn you are having such a rough time but
think its great you are wanting to seek help for both you and your little one.

CBT can be excellent although it is not for everyone I had it a long time ago and it really helped me along with one particular medication although I am currently off that. Am about to have more CBT as my health anxiety and OCD has returned.

If i were you (if you havent already) I would go visit your GP and explain how awful things are for you right now and ask their advice regarding the best medication , also explain any fears if you have any around taking it and tell them you are pregnant. Then ask them if you can be referred for CBT if that is the therapy you feel would help you most. If they refuse please do not feel afraid to seek second, third...fourth... opinions... I have and that is what got me the treatment I needed.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

~glowly~ x

cook ie
19-09-11, 16:32
thanks for your reply.

There is a waiting list of 7 months to see a counsellor through the GP so I have looked into local low cost CBT and am waiting on some replies. Its encouraging to know that it helped you and I hope it can do the same again. I think I will look into anti d's after the baby is born and until I start CBT then re evaluate. I guess other things might help in the meantime like being a bit more active (swimming etc) and maybe reading self help books!

thanks again, its so nice to know I'm not alone in this! x

~glowly worm~
19-09-11, 16:53
Hey cook ie,

you are most welcome.

Sorry to hear there is such a wait :( there are some online CBT courses for free that are listed on this forum including living life to the full http://www.llttf.com/
and http://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome mood gym.

These might be worth a try, i did sign up and found it so helpful even after only 2 visits, but have not been on it for a few weeks now as have been focusing on other things (exposure to driving).

Also the shop here sells a booklet called ''overcoming health anxiety'' it is fairly cheap and I have found that helpful too.

Finally a book I've found useful: Mind over mood its quite a small one so not daunting.

Exercise is great! I hope you find the right type for you and wish you the very best with all of it.

There's lots of advice on here its just about taking it bit by bit and trying what you feel might help you.

~glowly~ x