View Full Version : outer thigh burning/tingling/numbness

20-09-11, 10:20
I am in a bit of a quandry...again. When I am laid down I almost instantly get burning/searing pain along with numbness in my outer thigh. About 3 months ago I put my back out just getting out of a chair and was wondering if I have done lasting damage. But as usual, I get to thinking that I have something life threatening. Has anyone else got or had the same problem that I have? Would be good to chat to someone who has had something similar!

20-09-11, 13:34
I get problems like that in my lower back, in the back of my thigh & down my leg but that's sciatica. It's a bloody nightmare.
Chances are if you've hurt your back that it's all connected.

It's not life threatening...no stressing!!!

20-09-11, 14:43
Hi, I know that sensation all too well a few years back it was really bad but mine was purley down the anxiety i had no injury. once my anxiety calmed down so did the burning/twitching & cramping pain. It sometimes cames back usually if I don't get a good sleep or feel more anxious than usual but least I know its a symptom of anxiety nothing more.

20-09-11, 15:04
It may be possible that you damaged the nerve when your back was bad and these things take ages to get better. My sister in law gets pain like that when she goes to bed and it is from an old back injury. She loses a lot of sleep due to the pain if she doesn't take strong pain killers. I think bodies are great when they work properly, but they are a blinkin' nuisance when they don't - hope yours gets better soon.

20-09-11, 15:07
I get the same as mentioned above after a bad fall and was told I had Siatica too, it's always worse in damp weather so playing up atm x

20-09-11, 15:53
I get the same as mentioned above after a bad fall and was told I had Siatica too, it's always worse in damp weather so playing up atm x

I second that yes...

20-09-11, 22:34
Thanks everyone. I dread going to bed so i'm usually awake until 3am then tired all day. I think i know really that it is a sciatica type thing but the mind can tell you all sorts can't it!

20-09-11, 22:59
Hi hollie
Yup I would say it sounds like sciatica-I get this. A physio who I use to see gave me some hip and lower back stretches to do when it happens and their really effective. You can find these on the net try looking up sacro illiac joint and priformis muscle exercises.Mine always plays up if Ive been slouching around too much !:)