View Full Version : Any tips for tension headaches ??

Miss Pink
17-05-06, 16:21

Wondering if anyone has some tips to help get rid of tension headaches -had this one since monday and its driving me mad !

It's round my head (about eyebrow/temple level) and the pressure is horrible - my ears feel like they constantly want to pop !

I've tried a couple of painkillers but they don't really help for too long, been getting fresh air at work and trying to make sure I keep my shoulders relaxed, but I can't seem to shift it.

Anyone got any tips they'd like to share?

Thanks - hope you are all doing ok x

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

17-05-06, 16:23
Hi hunni.

Tension headaches are awful aren't they! Gosh I get one basically everyday. I want some advice on them too! How often do you get yours?

x x

Miss Pink
17-05-06, 16:29
Hi Scooby :),

Lately I haven't had them too bad, but the past week has just been full of them - never had one this long before - normally a good nights sleep helps, but hasn't worked this week

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

17-05-06, 17:11
Lavendar oil, rub a little into your temples and the back of your neck, that might help


'This too will pass'

17-05-06, 17:24
Thanks Daisybun. Good idea.

x x

17-05-06, 17:49
Im gonna start a post on this cos i've come across it loads of times... argh I was gonna copy and paste what I put in someone elses thread but I can't find it, so I'll just sum up for now. Look out for my post later.

1. There is a pressure point at the back of the neck. Trace a path down from the base of your skull about 4 finger widths and then out both ways 2 finger widths. If you press gently it should be tender. Massage here gently.

2. Massage the temples. If the skin feels tight there, thats whats causing your headache. MAssage them one way and then the other, focussing on relaxing the scalp.

3. A lot of tension headaches are aggrevated by a clenching of the jaw. Slowly open your jaw as far as it will go, then close it again. Then open it as if you were going to speak and put each index finger just below the spot where the jaw meets the cheekbone. It should be very tender. Apply pressure for 5 seconds then gradually release it. It'll be sore so go easy. Then wait at least 10 secs and repeat as many times as you like.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

17-05-06, 19:08
Thanks for that Mrmonkey. Good idea.

x x

17-05-06, 19:37
Hi Miss Pink! If i get a tension headache or just a very tense head i use one of those head massager thingys! Not sure what they are called tho, i got mine in spain, but i think i've seen something similar in argos. Its got long bits on it which you put on the pressure points on your head, and you massage your tensenesss away. They do mess your hair up though...

Love India xxx

17-05-06, 22:29
i used to get terrible tension headaches and the best way I found relief was to do a facial and jaw massage with oils (lavender good). Rub down your neck areas as well.

........life is for living not just for surviving

18-05-06, 01:46
I find that heat on my neck and shoulders help me. I am real tight in those areas though and it just moves right up into my head. I have bought things that you can heat up in the microwave and wrap around your neck and shoulders and walk around the house without being tied down with a heating pad, I'm sure they sell same things in the UK. Hope this helps.


Miss Pink
19-05-06, 14:40
Hi everybody,

Thankyou all for your useful links :D , there's been some really great advice that I'm giving a try...

Daisy & Darkangel - thanks for the lavender tips, bought a little roll on bottle in Tesco's today (bargain at £0.79 !!), small enough to fit in my wallet - will give it a go later

MrMonkey - I think you're right about the jaw tension - been doing your exercises and they do help - started to notice how tightly I am grinding my teeth together while I sit at work, so thanks !

India - Thats a great idea (& they look fun too don't they lol) - my brother had one in his room once so I'll have a rummage about tonight under his bed (he won't mind as he's moved out !!)

Southern Belle - I have some of the heat pads at home and its another great idea - like my jaw, my shoulders and neck are pretty tense all the time too, so I'm sure a bit of heat can ease it like you say, so thanks!!

phew...think I've mentioned everyone (if not sorry)...I'm far too polite and like to say thanks to everybody lol

Ok, I'll give all your advice ago...although not at the same time ....people would start to worry if I was wandering around with a thing on my head, rubbing in oil and opening my jaw .....

Take Care Everybody, hope you are all doing ok xxx

xxxxxxxxxxRachael xxxxxxxxx

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

19-05-06, 20:52

I find tiger balm (the red one) on your temples and a warm lavender wheat bag around your neck will help.

Also just to keep in your bag 4Head is quite good.

Love N light

Katies x

22-05-06, 12:48
Lavender oil is great idea.

I use ibuprofen gel, rub amount into base of neck/shoulders.

Is great for taking the daily stresses out.

