View Full Version : For all those who've recovered....

20-09-11, 13:22
How long did it take and how did you do it? I am a little better than I was, but it's really slow going, I just need some inspiration to keep me thinking positively.

I'm having a bad day today and things always seem worse when I feel so down, any wise words will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)

20-09-11, 21:35
I don't think I can say that I am completely recovered from my depression, but I have made a lot of progress. My depression climaxed in 2008 when my father was diagnosed with cancer and continued way past his death. I took Citalopram for about 5 months but had to change to Prozac as it didn't suit me. I saw a counsellor for about 1 and 1/2 years and honestly that combination was effective for me. I couldn't have got through it all without both things.

I never, ever, EVER thought I would feel happy again...But here I am three years later and I can honestly say that I do feel happy. Not all the time, not as often as I once did but its there and life as they say does go on.

I hope that helps xxx

21-09-11, 14:39
I got over my anxiety last time with the aid of meds (Citalopram to be precise) and all was fine. Took it this time and it gave me horrific panic attacks, I only took it for 9 days, but the panic attacks are here to stay now.

I then tried Mirtazapine which helped my sleep, but didn't help my panic or anxiety at all, now the dr wants me to go on Sertraline, but I am through with meds now because the Cit caused the panic in the first place. I am taking supplements and having CBT/counselling, I have also moved back near to my parents for extra support which is much needed at the moment.

I am trying my best to think positive, but it is hard. I am concentrating on caring for my 2 kids which keeps me going day to day.

Hazel B
26-09-11, 23:05
I beat anxiety in about 5 months, the hardest thing I ever did. You will get there, don't give up.:)

27-09-11, 10:16
For me it's hard to say 'I'm recovered'. Certainly I've been feeling more 'stable' in the past few months, compared to the months before that, so I'm tapering off mirtazapine now. It's all relative though. As I'll soon be prescription med free, I guess technically 'I'm recovered', but I can't help thinking I'm only that til the next time...Maybe after a year or two I'll be confident to say those words about myself.

As for how I've got this far, certainly meds have helped - sertraline initially and then mirtazapine for depression then dep&anxiety. Also diazapam for major panics while waiting for the mz'pine to kick in. I also saw a CBTherapist for several months earlier this year. The process of going through things with her and also putting into practice her suggestions for me have helped. I guess the real test will come in the next couple of months when it is just me to rely on, not therapists or meds!

Also, I think it might simply be time - I'd been dx with depression most recently since 2008, which has ebbed, flowed and wobbled continuously since then, til a couple of months ago. It might just be that anxiety and depression only stayed so long and then naturally left me. Though that doesn't give me confidence that I can keep it away. I am also taking Omega-3 fish oil capsules. Hoping that, and CBT skills will keep me on the straight and narrow now!

09-10-11, 08:51
Well, I'm very slowly improving, I have started having fairly good days over the weekend, although week days tend to be quite tough for me even though i don't work.

I have also managed to go into town which I have not done for over 2 months, so I know I am getting a little better. However, I still suffer from horrible anxiety every day which is horrific in the mornings and lasts until mid afternoon. During this time I feel very sick, have a painful/churning stomach and feel on the edge of a panic attack .

I know I need to push myself to go out and do stuff when I am feeling this ill as it might help, but most times I'm not brave enough and I do worry sometimes if there's more to my feeling ill than just anxiety.

My counsellor says I need to accept it when I feel ill, then just carry on as normal, but i find that very hard, especially as i have a fear of throwing up. I am so ready to get rid of this panic and anxiety, but feeling so poorly every day is really making it difficult. Has anyone else felt like this?

Hazel B
09-10-11, 20:19
You start to have more good days then realise most days are good.

Keep fighting and you'll get there........:)

11-10-11, 18:21
Good to see you are still fighting on rocklover. In answer to your question about how long recovery took, I'd say in my case about one year. Half of that was wasted on the wrong medication but once I found the right one (or stayed on a low dose of it and started lots of exercise, another way of looking at it) things moved on fairly well.

It is hard as you say to keep pushing onwards when you hit a bad patch. Sometimes we need to just rest other times it's best to fight it, it's certainly not easy. It's particularly good to hear you have been into town. Do keep a note of these achievements because they are such positive things to show you are moving forward. And remember, bad days are not a sign you are going backwards, they just literally that - a bad day.

12-10-11, 13:46
Good to see you are still fighting on rocklover. In answer to your question about how long recovery took, I'd say in my case about one year. Half of that was wasted on the wrong medication but once I found the right one (or stayed on a low dose of it and started lots of exercise, another way of looking at it) things moved on fairly well.

It is hard as you say to keep pushing onwards when you hit a bad patch. Sometimes we need to just rest other times it's best to fight it, it's certainly not easy. It's particularly good to hear you have been into town. Do keep a note of these achievements because they are such positive things to show you are moving forward. And remember, bad days are not a sign you are going backwards, they just literally that - a bad day.

Thank you for your post, it was very helpful as today I am having a very bad day. Had hardly any sleep due to the baby waking in the early hours and not sleeping much afterwards because of anxiety and as a result I feel extremely sick, have a headache I cannot get rid of and I ache everywhere as i am so tense.

I am so terrified that it means I am getting worse again despite having a good weekend and a great day on Monday, I am so desperate to get better that bad days like this are really hard on me. I have been crying alot today because I feel so ill and I am angry at myself because I know it's my own mind doing all this.

I'm trying recover without meds, but I'm scared I will have to start taking them if i don't improve more. After the problems i have had with meds this year I am too frightened to take any more because of the side effects. I feel very depressed today and can't see a way out. Still at least i'm not having loads of massive panic attacks every day anymore, they are much less often now and not as intense.

21-10-11, 15:22
I don't think there is a set time to recover, I attempted suicide a year ago today, it was a serious attempt. Here I am one year on, getting better, still have bad days but more good ones, I've learnt to laugh again, to sing again, sometimes I enjoy myself. I've just gone bak to work after 14 months off. It is possible to recover, don't set a time, learn to live each day as it comes, i've now had 365 days more than I thought I'd have, make the most of every day and never give up!!