View Full Version : Roof of mouth

Anxiety Jim
20-09-11, 20:51

I'm a bit worried about a new symptom (I'm probably worried about a new symptom nearly every day!).

The far left and far right of the rood of my mouth are peeling off, stringy bits of skin are coming off. It started this morning, and has been throbbing.

Any idea what this could be? Could it be a symptom of something more serious?



20-09-11, 20:52
Could be a minor infection have you been to the dentist?

20-09-11, 21:33
use lots of warm salt water. No idea what it could be sorry

20-09-11, 21:35
Did you burn the roof of your mouth with hot food or drink?

20-09-11, 22:02
I was going to ask the same thing as daybyday. I've had this a few times and it's mostly due to burning the roof of my mouth on food that I couldn't wait to eat! I have had it other times too though - I had an ulcer on the roof of my mouth that popped and peeled (lovely!) so perhaps something like that?
Do you have any bonjela? Try a bit of that and if it's not cleared up in a week or so make a dentist appointment just to put your mind at rest. Sure it's nothing much, just annoying!

Gemma T
22-09-11, 00:22
Youve probaly burnt it.

For the past 4 months ive been convinced i have oral cancer and have seen my doc alot.

He told me the skin in our mouth sheds exactly like it does else where. It might be this also.

Have you ever woken up in the morning with white goo around your mouth? Well if y9u have this would be the skin that sheds. People who sleep with their mouths open get it alot more then others, Mouthwashes strip the layers of skin off our mouths.

Trust me its nothing x x x

22-09-11, 09:14
If I don't rinse my mouth really well after brushing my teeth then the skin inside my mouth peels off, I can run my finger on the inside of my mouth, bottom lip area and a fine sheet of skin comes away.

22-09-11, 16:18
Youve probaly burnt it.

For the past 4 months ive been convinced i have oral cancer and have seen my doc alot.

He told me the skin in our mouth sheds exactly like it does else where. It might be this also.

Have you ever woken up in the morning with white goo around your mouth? Well if y9u have this would be the skin that sheds. People who sleep with their mouths open get it alot more then others, Mouthwashes strip the layers of skin off our mouths.

Trust me its nothing x x x

I wake up with a very dry mouth and goo on my lips. Now i know why, thanks.