View Full Version : Newbie

17-05-06, 16:41

My name is Carla and I've been having panic attacks for just over 9 years now (since I was 14). I also have agoraphobia although I do manage to go out occasionally and was doing fairly well a few months ago with the help of a hypnotherapist. Ive slipped back quite a lot since I stopped seeing her a few weeks ago but am seeing a new hypnotherapist in three weeks who I've heard good things about and who I'm hoping will be able to help me more than my last one.

I stumbled across this forum yesterday and can't believe I've never found it before. It seems like a friendly, supportive place so I'm glad to have found it. I have a couple of friends who are supportive and my mum is great but I know they don't really understand why I can't go out already and just get over it. Not that I understand why either!

Look forward to getting to know some of you.


Miss Pink
17-05-06, 16:46
Hi Carla,

Welcome to the site ;)

This site really is a great place and I'm sure you'll feel better talking to some of us on here - I know I have !

Take Care xx

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

17-05-06, 17:12
Hi Carla and welcome. This is a great site for advice and support and some reassurance that you're not alone.
Take care


'This too will pass'

marie ross
17-05-06, 17:15
Hi Carla,

Welcome, you will find a lot of good friends and advice here.

I know its hard for other people to understand what your're going through. My sister suffered with panic attacks and depression for a while (recovered now) and not until i eventually was diagnosed with panic disorder did i really truely understand what she was going through.

Take care.

Marie XXX

17-05-06, 17:19
Hi Carla,
Welcome! I've only been a member a short time too and have found it a very helpful forum.
Lots of people you will find will understand how you feel which is comforting.
wishing you all the best,

17-05-06, 17:25
HI Carla,

if you want advice this is the place to find it, hope it helps you

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

17-05-06, 18:00
hi carla
welcome to the forum,youll make loads of new friends and get lots of helpful advice from everyone
love joanne

17-05-06, 18:20
Hi Carla

Welcome from a fellow agoraphobic. Since joining the site i seem to have come on in leaps & bounds, im sure that you will too.

You will find plenty of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

17-05-06, 18:22
Hello Carla
I'm fairly new too and suffer from anxiety and panic attacks although fingers crossed I've been ok for a while! I joined the site to get some support as I'm currently reducing my dose of anti-depressants - down to two a week now!

17-05-06, 18:40
Hi Carla.

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of help and support here.

x x

17-05-06, 18:51
Hi Carla,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

17-05-06, 20:10
Hi Carla

Welcome to the forum.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

17-05-06, 22:29
hi carla..welcome this site has been my life line xxx

jools xx

18-05-06, 07:13
Hi Carla
Im a panic attack sufferer too - Im 46 and have had PAs which began 23 yearsa ago - then a gap with nothing and now begun again with PA.s. I am waiting to see a hypnotherapist next week and have sessions- tell me - what do they do in a session - whats it like and how did it work?

Enjoy using this site as its great to let off steam and get advice.

Love Wenjoy x

18-05-06, 07:16
Welcome to the site Carla
Love Helen

18-05-06, 08:51
Hi and welcome.
This site is great for making friends who understand

Hay x

18-05-06, 10:35
Wow I didn't expect so many replies - thank you all for the warm welcome.

Wenjoy - with the hyypnotherapist I was seeing our sessions were usually split into about 35-40 minutes at the beginning of the session talking about my anxiety, what progress I'd made since the last session, her asking questions to try and help me figure if there are any links between my anxiety and things that have happened in the past and talking about what kind of things I might want to try and achieve before our next session.

Then we would have about 20 minutes at the end to do the actual hypnotherapy part which was basically her talking about relaxing my whole body and then she would say statements along the lines of feeling calmer, more confident, feeling at ease going to the shops etc. I was really scared about the hypnotherapy part before I went but is just like being really, really relaxed and you're still aware of everything thats happening - when I first started I used to open my eyes during it just to check that I could (although you're not really supposed to do that!).

After that we had 5-10 minutes where she would ask how I was feeling afterwards and if anything had come up during the hypnotherapy part - like any memories of being anxious, or any particular thoughts or anything like that. I did make some progress with her but I think the progress came more from being scared of going in to sessions and saying I hadn't made any progress and having someone to be accountable to rather then the actual hypnotherapy itself. Which is why I stopped seeing her and looked for someone else.

With the hypnotherapist I'm seeing in three weeks I think she works a bit differently from what I've heard - sounds like she spends more of the session on the hypnotherapy part and she gets people to imagine going into situations where they would probably panic while they're hypnotised. Which is going to be harder then the hypnotherapy I was having but will hopefully mean I make more progress and have fewer setbacks.

I think all hypnotherapists work a little differently but you're in control so only do what you feel comfortable doing. I hope this helped - if you have any more questions feel free to ask. I'm sure your session will go fine. Let me know how you get on :)


18-05-06, 18:52
Hi there Carla

A big warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help. Feel free to ask any questions you want to.


19-05-06, 17:13
Hi Carla and welcome to NMP!:D