View Full Version : northeast england ?

20-09-11, 23:32
hi could anyone tell me if there is anything in the northeast were i could go along just to get some advice from people really

21-09-11, 20:27
nothing in the northeast then ?

22-09-11, 00:04
I haven't been in the NE for a good year, but there seemed to be a well established meet-up in Newcastle back then. Will be moving back to the NE shortly so would be interested in attending such a meetup again.

22-09-11, 12:28
hi guys, yes there is still a well established group going on. We meet every month or so and have a tea/chat or visit museum etc so it's not a traditional support group in that all we do is sit and talk about anxiety and treatments, but of course because it's a shared thing we do talk about our experiences within a social setting.
There's a group on facebook called NESA if you request to join you will be in the group and can see when the next meet is and when

04-10-11, 14:14
hi i couldnt find the group could you send me a link ?

13-10-11, 22:09
I've just requested to join myself! I'm back in the NE now so will try and meet up with people again!

It's at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_197057930307945&ap=1

22-10-11, 22:37
i'm in teesside. where are you?