View Full Version : Head

21-09-11, 09:55
Hey everyone im proud to say that im nearly over my fear of a brain tumour. I plucked up the courage to go to the doctors where the Dr my symptoms were random things and i had a mini nuero exam which was perfect. I still have a couple of concerns tho. Asyou know from my previous posts one of my normal headaches freaked me out and since ive been experiencing mild sharp head pain almost everyday since it happens at random times throughout the day and is not worse at any given time. I know a tumour is a constant pain which is similar to tension or migraine headaches. It seems to go when im occupied. Also i lot through my anxiety (1 year of it) i have woken up feeling a little sick. I will wake up feeling perfect and then the thought of feeling sick and head pain comes along and i feel the symptoms :( i do however have hunger pains when i wake up tho so i think that may be linked to feeling sick. At the doctors they looked in my ears to find a big build up of wax and they said to put drops of olive oil in, we started doing it and my head pain almost went away but i think anxiety was still causing pain. For 2 weeks ive stopped with the oil and the pain has flared up again leaving me stressed about a tumour again, could the pain be linked to the wax? Also i do not get the pain in one spot, i get itall over my head in my face, in my ears and also my jaw (not all at the same time) asi say the pain has been on off and has not got worse. Thanks all

21-09-11, 10:35
Also i was wondering if i person got really anxious about a brain tumour could anxiety mimic a 'typical' tumour headache

21-09-11, 20:07
Hi Tom, I think with anxiety if you are worried about a particular thing then YES the brain picks up on it and does tend to mimic the symptoms of that condition.

I have had a brain tumour fear since I was a teenager (I'm 31 now) so I understand that worry very much.
I've been told that brain tumour symptoms are not what you might expect and since knowing that I have relaxed and tried not to worry so much. Do you get any other noticable symptoms?

Hunger pains definitely cause feelings of sickness and headaches can be from low blood sugar so if you are waking up starving then this can explain those two symptoms in the mornings.

When you said you had the mini neuro exam what did that involve?

Another thing: the ear wax build up sounds like it could be relevant, have you heard of hopi ear candles? It is an ancient treatment that is very effective for unblocking ears, relieving tension and relaxing. It is available from beauty and holistic salons for around £15-20. If you can get it done by a college where they let students train by doing treatments then you can get it alot cheaper.

22-09-11, 16:09
Heya im glad to say i dont have any other symptoms :) my nuero exam involved testin strength so i had to push and pull the doctor. I had to smile and frown and move my head side to side etc she said that tested motor reflexes and mine were good. Also i was given websites that she said were trustworthy enough when it came to doing research. I checked these sites for brain tumour symptoms and none said head pain that lasted a few seconds and also that just over 10 thousand people a year get brain tumours in the UK which relaxed me considering theres over 60 million people here.

23-09-11, 21:58
Hey Tom, I hope you're feeling a bit better now. You are so right about tumours being rare, it is really not worth even thinking about unless you are having the kinds of symptoms that they cause.

23-09-11, 22:26
You should ask a dentist about TMJ it give me head, face, jaw and neck pain.
it also can affect the ears causing pain and ringing and dizziness.