View Full Version : Sensation of not touching the chair your sat on

17-05-06, 18:32
Hi everyone,
I have had this feeling before but just wondered if anyone else has had it. When your sat on the sofa its like your bottom isn't really touching the seat almost floating off it. Not the normal contact. I am feeling very tired and stressed from work. Anyway i'm going to try and not give the feeling too much attention . Suz

17-05-06, 19:07
can relate to this - sounds like depersonalisation/derealisation

........life is for living not just for surviving

marie ross
17-05-06, 19:10
Hi suz,

It just sounds like anxiety and that you just need a good nights sleep (easier said than done when your stressed out!!!)
Hope it goes away for you. Sorry not much help, but i've never experienced this before, god i would'nt feel nails underneath my backside if i sat on the sofa (middle aged spread and all of that!!!)

Take care of yourself

Marie XXX

17-05-06, 19:10
Hi Suz

Awful isnt it! I get this too, It is defo anxiety related, you are not alone and it will pass

Take Care

Wendy xx