View Full Version : One cold after the next worried

21-09-11, 14:38
Hi there,

for months and months on end I keep getting one cold after the next, especially bad in my throat, I have managed to keep the last 2 at bay by using the Vicks First Defence thing the moment I feel it coming on. I'm so worried that something is wrong with my immune system! I'm 35 btw, generally healthy (I think!) I have a 20month old son, so I do catch whatever he has at the time, but he's fine at the moment, just me with another blooming sore throat.

Anyone else get the same?

Fi x

21-09-11, 16:31
Have you gone to the doctor? It could be mono..as it keeps happening? Just my opinion..please don't automatically think I'm right..just a suggestion?

My doctor has told me to to take vitamin c tablets daily to boost my immune system..I just started taking them. Perhaps you should start taking them?

21-09-11, 21:21
Went to the docs for my last cold and said that I had been getting one after the other, he checked for swollen glands etc and said everything felt fine just time of year etc etc...

Oooo you've got me a bit worried Liliana83, I bought a good multivitamin today so hopefully that will boost my immune system up again.

21-09-11, 21:33
I've had a cold/sore throat for about 5 months now, on and off. I attribute it to wood dust though (especially MDF dust as it's so fine). Perhaps you have an allergy to something?

21-09-11, 21:45
I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you...it could be nothing serious! Sometimes people with seasonal allergies get sore throats..

If you saw a doc and they didn't see anything, I wouldn't worry.

Gemma T
21-09-11, 23:56
If your stressed your immune system suffers which makes you a prime target for colds and coughs x x x

Gemma T
22-09-11, 00:26
spot on gemma, I`ve got genuine proper man flu at the moment along with most of the blokes in our office and supplies of night nurse and covonia are running low in north wales !

colds certainly seem to take longer to shift these days, I`m blaming my kids and general mental fatigue for it all. :D

anxiety can really run you down and leave you susceptible to anything going around.

might try and drag myself to the fridge for a chunk of therapeutic dairy milk, see if that helps....


Not to mention artificial heating and air conditioning drying out our throats making us susceptible to infection.

And the up and down weather changes.

Hope your man flu gets better soon x x x