View Full Version : Just been to the Doctor's

17-05-06, 18:48
I have OCD and germs prob and in the past have been too nervous about going to Doc's.

This afternoon I was in a desperate mood and wanted to get my Mental Health sorted out and I made an appointment at the Doc's. Luckily I was able to get in this evening and I haven't been back long. I am so proud of myself for going!! It took alot of courage to go and I told the doc that.

I told the female doc about Emetophobia, Anxiety and germs prob and you should've seen her face, cos she didn't know anything about Emetophobia.

My disability I also mentioned - Larsen's Syndrome.

The outcome is that I also mentioned the abuse at home and she's gonna contact social services for me and said I should move out asap.

She said I looked pale

As for my mental health I'll get help from a psychiastrist sometime I think.

The female doc said I should make an appointment with her again hence Larsen's Syndrome, for an update.

I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my head.

Julie x

17-05-06, 18:50
Aw well done Ju! Bet you are so pleased. Am proud of you. Well done for doing that hunni. Will you be coming on chat later?

x x

17-05-06, 18:58

Such a huge step for you! I'm so glad you went to the doctors and you are receiving help for the abuse, physical and other problems. I think you should be so proud of yourself. Good job.


marie ross
17-05-06, 19:14
Hi Julie,

Well done, you sound very brave and should be proud of yourself. I can't get round to going to see my doc, keep bottling out of it, don't really know what i'm going to say or what he'll do/not do. I really do hope that everything gets sorted out for you.

Take care.

Marie XXX

17-05-06, 19:16
Well Done Ju!

What a huge step forward..... First step of many for you :D:D

Take Care

Wendy xxx

17-05-06, 20:21
Well done for going and asking for help Julie. That's very brave of you.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

Two heads
18-05-06, 15:35
You have done so well ju mate,keep it up hun!You no you are strong inside and you will beat these problems sweet.go on as you mean to go onxxxx

18-05-06, 17:21
Hi Ju,


So glad you took this step hun. So positive. Well done you babe. Keep it up.

And don't forget Big Brother will ya.lol.

take care hun.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Take care,


18-05-06, 19:06
Hi Ju

Really pleased to hear you success this afternoon. Brilliant news on getting to the docs & what she is going to do for you re social services.

So proud of you hun.

Take Care



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