View Full Version : Blood on tissue after wiping bottom.

21-09-11, 18:55
Sorry i know this is a disgusting subject but i just did a poo and when i wiped my bottom there was blood on the tissue. Yestersay i ran out of toilet paper and had to use newspaper to wipe, could this be the cause? It actually quite frightened me when i saw blood.

21-09-11, 19:40
light or dark??

21-09-11, 19:48
Urrrm i'm not sure it just looked a colour my blood always looks.

21-09-11, 19:51
I wouldn't say it was dark as i could tell it was blood straight away.

21-09-11, 20:04
Probably piles and/or a fissure.

Very common and easily treated.

21-09-11, 20:50
I'm sure the newspaper you used was the issue in hand...

21-09-11, 21:48
I'm sure the newspaper you used was the issue in hand...

That's what i was thinking. I guess if i don't bleed again that will be cause.

21-09-11, 21:49
Again i'm sorry about the subject of this thread. I know it's not a pleasant thing to discuss lol.

21-09-11, 21:53
Again i'm sorry about the subject of this thread. I know it's not a pleasant thing to discuss lol.

Well here's mine lol so I understand :winks:


21-09-11, 22:17
well i say this coz bright red is piles dark red is usually further up they say better to be lighter than darker but saying this i also have had both u should be able to see if its lite or dark have a good look nxt time.xxx:blush:

21-09-11, 22:31
Hey dont worry,
I get this from time to time especially if its been hard to go-if you know what I mean ! bright red blood that is fresh and looks sparse on the paper is usually from piles or cuts -which if you used rough paper its probably the latter. I ve checked this with my own gp and she confirmed bright blood is from lower down-so o.k. I know its alarming though when it first happenend to me I worried about it for days ! I suppose if it kept on happening and you were worried you could check with your GP. X

Gemma T
21-09-11, 23:54
I remember this subject on embarrassing bodies.

Light blood would be a cut or piles. Anything dark may be a problem further up. Blood from your stomach would normally mean your poo is black.

Im sure youve probaly strained too much or caused a little rip. This is so common. Doubt the newspaper has anything to do with it x x x

22-09-11, 16:28
Again apologies for being so blunt but the poo i pushed out on this particular occasion was a lot more solid and hard then my usual poo's. I had to really strain to get it out. I think that along with the newspaper the day before are the most likely culprits.

22-09-11, 16:38
Perhaps buy a stool softener..

22-09-11, 18:38
I had couple of episodes like this when i was pregnant with my youngest, never knew what caused it, once it was bright red and other time it was slightly darker.. its probably piles or it could of been the newspaper was to rough and irriated.. x