View Full Version : eye floater

21-09-11, 20:28
Hi. I have had floaters for while and everything i have read has said they are not a problem. But what they describe doesnt sound like mine. They are transparent, i know That sounds strange as how can i se them but they have a sort of grey edge. They are little circles linked together... i see them most when in daylight and if looking at the sky. If really concerntrate can see loads and makes me feel a bit dizzy. Does anyone get them like this. Dont want to google to much as im sure something terrible will come up. Thank you

21-09-11, 20:52
Yep sounds just like them, have you googled pictures?
I had one for years that was a circle with the ends crossed over.
I also can see what I think are White blood cells or something , like tiny floaters but they ate more like dots .
I also have visual snow .

21-09-11, 21:52
Myself and everybody i know gets floaters on a somewhat regular basis. They are a very common thing. Floaters on their own are nothing to worry about.

21-09-11, 22:04
Thank you both. Have looked at some pictures and that's it.