View Full Version : Beta Blockers

17-05-06, 19:18
Has anyone used beta blockers 10mg propranolol for anxiety.
Just wondered if they have any nasty side effects?

17-05-06, 19:22
Hi there, i take beta blockers regulary, no side effects i have noticed, only no hammering heart rate!

Love India xx

17-05-06, 19:22
Hi Rosalind.

I haven't been on them myself, but have you looked at the leaflet that should come with them? Because they will have a list of side effects on them if there are any, or you could have a look on the net, thats what I did when I was prescribed Sertraline/Lustral tablets. I sometimes find it is best just to not look at the side effects then you don't have anything to worry about at all. Hope this helps.

x x

marie ross
17-05-06, 19:28
Hi Ros,

I've been on the same beta-blockers (mine are 40mg though) for over 2 years now, and its the only meds i'll take. If like me your heart was constantly racing and you think that your're going to have a heart attack, then they are a godsend.

It took me about a week to get used to them, i felt a bit tearful and dizzy (don't know if it was the tablets or just me!!!)
But once they kicked in the effects were brilliant, my heart no longer beats like a drum, which has made me so less anxious and worried about keeling over from the strokes/heart attacks i thought i was having every day.

Everyone has different side effects, but for me they have been brilliant, and i really hav'nt heard of any bad side effects from taking beta blockers.

Hope this helps. Take care.

Marie XXX

17-05-06, 19:32

I tried them for a while. Worked very well. But to be honest, it kinda freaked me out when I felt a trigger but no burst of adrenalin came! I was so used to it, but they definetly give you a bit of a break!

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

17-05-06, 20:03
ros i have a terrible fear of meds, but even i took these. for me they had no sideeffects and did the job of eliminating ectopics. i even took more than you are taking and have that terrible fear

to me they are great and safe


17-05-06, 20:31
Hi ros

I took 40mg twice aday and thought they were great. Didnt notice any terrible side effects except my heart rate was a bit slower (no bad thing).

Coni X

17-05-06, 22:01
I take them. I love them! The first week I was a little dizzy and felt drunk but other then that great.

Keep a good check on your blood pressure. Mine was to low and they had to have me take half my dose. BUT my blood pressure was already low before I took them, you probably have nothing to worry about there.

They are great hun, and I am very picky about what medicine I take.

17-05-06, 22:26
i took propranolol that dose for about 3 yrs.
i was fine and it did stop the heart palpitations

at the latter stage I found that I had controlled my anxiety and didnt need them because my blood pressure was getting too low and I was terribly dizzy. I came off gradual with no withdrawals so I would say they did the job!!!

........life is for living not just for surviving

23-05-06, 05:28
I took atenelol 50mg to start and it worked great at the start...but it can leave you feeling tired and a little run down...also when ou drink you can feel even more tired...iit works great though...but you have to use this time constructively or when you go off of them then it will come back again...i lowered my dose to 25mg and then adventually went off...heart would race after i stopped taking it....ultimatelly wish i neve would have taken it...unless you plan on taking it the rest of your life don't start would be my advice...and if you do really work hard at getting to the root of your anxiety