View Full Version : ITS BACK!!!

22-09-11, 12:56
I used to suffer with GAD and its been over a year ago since i had my last "FULL BLOWN" panic attack, i was just walkin to the shops before and pow it hit me like a hammer i thought i was gonna faint and only felt safe if someone was around that could help me if i fainted, and for the past two weeks iv been feeling on edge, i hope this dosent mean the start of another long proccess of anxiety, fear and Worry!

22-09-11, 13:04
Are u taking medication?

22-09-11, 19:30
nope had Cognitive Behavior Theraphy 2 years ago did me some good just hope tomorrow is a better day :yesyes:

22-09-11, 22:21

I'm also on the recovery side of things and you will still be prone to relapses even after a year. The mistake is assuming your better, then falling back into the bad habbits that created your anxiety to begin with.

With you it could well have been a strange feeling that you had which made you think, oh no please don't be a panic attack, and then the panic kicks in a little, the more you think "oh no" then the more the panic comes on until your full on panicking and you don't kow why.

Just try to relax, accept you are having a relapse and get back into your cbt techniques. My relapses take around a week before I get control again so just try not to freak out that your anxiety is back and it will never leave etc etc. It's easy to freak yourself out.

You will be out the other side before you know it. Just try to use this relapse as a reminder to keep practising cbt until it becomes second nature. Also I'd reccomend learning some mindfulness techniques, seems to help me loads. Try eckhart tolle the power of now.