View Full Version : Choking and not able to breathe properly

22-09-11, 15:48
A few months ago i had an incident at the dinner table. I was eating my dinner and laughed (not a good idea) and with that, a little piece of food i had in my mouth shot to the back of my throat and i couldn't breathe. I stood up and bent myself over and kept coughing as when i tried to breathe in, i just had a rasping noise which was very scary. Eventually my throat cleared the food and i was left with a little tickly cough for most of the evening.
Now, just recently, i had another episode. This time i had a very soft, chewy mint in my mouth and had to keep it to the side of my mouth as i was in a very quiet room. I turned to the side to whisper to my friend when i began to have a coughing fit. I think the sweet had made me produce more saliva, which had run down the back of my throat. Again, i couldn't take a breathe in, just a gasping noise from me which got the adrenaline going! I just kept coughing and eventually got my breathe back. Again this really frightened me.
Now today i could feel some mucus running down the back of my throat and as i went to breathe, it felt like i couldn't breathe and my throat was being smothered by the mucus. I coughed and it cleared.
I think it's strange how this has happened and i've never had any issues ever before the first incident.
The first incident really scared me and i don't laugh with food in my mouth or hardly talk :D now.
The second time was just as scary and today i just remained calm.
It really is an awful sensation not being able to breathe.
Has anyone else experienced this or similar?
Must admit, my throat muscles are now a little tense and swallowing feels weird. Never really had throat issues during my times of anxiety (which is under fantastic control and has been for some time now:yesyes:)

Thanks for listening


23-09-11, 07:03
I have it all the time esp when sleeping and get woken by choking.
The secret is to stay calm and concentrate on breathing through your nose til it's over
Phill :shades:

23-09-11, 07:27
I have had episodes of this for a long time, it was as if the airway was blocked with me, it happened in the swimming baths one day and I was in the middle of the pool in the deep end just chokng, it was a very scarey moment. It just happens so quickly, but I can control it now, when I feel it happening I do a big cough, instead of trying to breathe in. If I breathed in it made it worse and I make the most awful wheezing sounds and it took ages for me to recover and then I would shake afterwards.

Maybe our symptoms are not exactly the same, but if it does happen again trying coughing before breathing in and I hope it works for you.
Someone told me once that what I have is called "nutcracker oesophagus" but I have never heard of it before and I would be interested if anyone on here knows anything about it. Hope my suggestion helps:)

23-09-11, 18:45
I have it all the time too, what with having post nasal drip (due to dust allergies)... in saying that post nasal drip, which is mucus that trickles down the back of your throat, is often caused by irritation, so could possibly just be a result of your coughing.