View Full Version : Passing out feeling

22-09-11, 17:37
Ok been suffering for year with aniexty. But always need that bit of reasurence today have felt panicky but controling it then all of a sudden getting up i had this strange head feeling then felt as if i was going to pass out along with that very shacky. Anyone out there had this.

25-09-11, 17:33
Hi, I get this fairly often...really disorientating. Unsure whether it's medication causing it or because during low periods, my appetite completely diminishes. Only advice I can offer is try to stand still and hold on to something stable :)

boat ride
27-09-11, 05:11
Hi ,

Ok im going to ask you a ques. when you say pass out do you mean
that out of no were you feel off balance and get a wired feeling in your head ??? Im going to try to let you no how i feel ok .

I will be doing something and out of no were i will feel a wired
feeling in my head and i feel if im going to passout . I will lay down and
sleep for a cat nap and if im lucky i will wake up and feel a little better .

This is the kicker i feel off balance all the time as if i was drunk .
I will not get the spining just a offbalance/ faint feeling . IT is like
im walking on a cloud and i mite fall down in it . It is like this only
after a few hours after i get up . Then the rest of the day i will
feel like im on a boat ride.

The passout feeling is bad some times i will be out of this world for days befor i get my balance back a little bit . But never feel like it
is 100% for the last 4 or so years .The only time i feel good is if i lay
down. Could it be anxiety ??? or someting els .

I have been to doc after doc and all i get is you need to relax .
the last doc i went to ask me what do you wont me to do .At this point
i was at the end of my rope so i said . if your wife was going to die if you could not find out what was rong with her . Would you say just go home and relax . He kicked me out of his office . About 2 days later he called
me and asked me how can i help and he was sorry . I ask him to do what
he thought. . so we are going for a fool cts this week and after that we will move on .He said he will try to help me . i will keep you posted on all we do .

He said he will foot the bill . he did ask me what i felt was rong
and i said i dont no but after 4 years of feeling so faint/offbalance
i dont think its anxiety . over the past 20 year i have had just about
every test no to man done . . The only test i did not do was the tilt
test . i could pass out just standing there so no need to try to
do some thing im allreay doing . But then again i have not been to a doc for years .the only thing that made me go in last week was i had been
feeling so faint for over a month .

One more thing has any one had meds help . at this point in my life
do i just give in and take all these drugs they wont me to take .
im so so so tired.

Boat ride

27-09-11, 18:49
Hi boatride

i have been feeling lightheaded and as if i'm on the verge of passing out CONSTANTLY for the last three months. I too am worried that its something else other than anxiety as its all the time. I keep thinking if this is anxiety then surely i would only feel it when i feel anxious or in an axiety provoking situation?
i have never fainted, have you?

eternally optimistic
27-09-11, 21:00
I get this, usually the tell tale sign I am on the edge.

I have passed out and although "they" say you dont pass out as a result of anxiety, I think I probably did.

27-09-11, 21:47
It is only a half truth that you cannot pass out from a panic attack.

I do almost every time.

The theory is that you can't as when you are highly anxious the BP rises and that goes against fainting/passing out when the blood pressure is low usually, but what they don't tell you is that during a panic attack you can also hyperventilate which CAN cause you to pass out.

I passed out during an anxiety attack whilst talking to my boss a couple of years ago. It was definitely anxiety with all of the symptoms - jelly legs, heart racing, breathlessness and yet when my BP was checked in the aftermath it was a low 70/40.

Everyone is different despite what the medical books say.

It is a horrible feeling, but it can be overcome with coping methods like distraction, positive mental affirmations, deep breathing, etc. xx:hugs:

28-09-11, 10:29
Boat ride, I am a 30 year old man, play football semi pro and very active. Like u I have all the same symptoms and after 2 years have no answers, I have had MRI scans ct scans tilt tests bp monitors even mental assessments along with every blood test and still no answer, gps all say the same, it's one of them things u have to live with, and it's impossible to explain to them how some days I feel I can't actually do anything! The anxiety doc I have seen say as my heart is not jumping out my chest and I'm not panicking then it's not anxiety? I also have lots of issues with my vision, always feel spaced out and light are always to bright, do u get this? I'm seeing someone else next week but after 2years and over 8k private health bills I'm desperate to find someone who has an answer!

28-09-11, 12:08
Abbo I get all the symptoms related to anxiety and quite alot of the times when i am experiencing them my heart is not racing and I am not panicing (or trying not too) so what your anxiety doctor told you cant be right. Im sure I have read quite a few posts from others on the forum here who also experience alot of the symptoms but with out the racing heart and panic??

28-09-11, 12:48
I have seen a few specialists now and gone through slot of test and they all say anxiety is panic basically, I don't agree but it makes dealing with it much harder as all docs say nothing wrong and the therapists! Do u or anyone take anything that works quickly just to feel normal?

28-09-11, 13:19
I have tried all sorts of anti-depressants that the Docs have tried to put me on but always found they made me 10 x worse, the only drug i have found that has helped and that I have stuck with is amitriptyline. I have had so many symptoms of different kinds over the years and seen so my doctors and they all say the same thing that it is anxiety. I find it hard to except that the severity of some of the symptoms I suffer can be just anxiety based but so do alot of people on here. I did alot of experimenting with drugs (illegal ones) as a teenager and I put my anxiety & symptoms down to repercussions of that.

14-10-11, 23:01
I get some of the symptons you describe Abbo and my heart isnt jumping out of my chest. I try and stay calm but it is still worrying as the feelings and sensations are still there.

boat ride
04-11-11, 03:04
Hi boatride

i have been feeling lightheaded and as if i'm on the verge of passing out CONSTANTLY for the last three months. I too am worried that its something else other than anxiety as its all the time. I keep thinking if this is anxiety then surely i would only feel it when i feel anxious or in an axiety provoking situation?
i have never fainted, have you?

No i have never passed out but feel like i could at any time
i fight it when it comes . man i feel you it will happen to me
when im having a good time no stress then bang out of no were .

---------- Post added at 20:04 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ----------

Boat ride, I am a 30 year old man, play football semi pro and very active. Like u I have all the same symptoms and after 2 years have no answers, I have had MRI scans ct scans tilt tests bp monitors even mental assessments along with every blood test and still no answer, gps all say the same, it's one of them things u have to live with, and it's impossible to explain to them how some days I feel I can't actually do anything! The anxiety doc I have seen say as my heart is not jumping out my chest and I'm not panicking then it's not anxiety? I also have lots of issues with my vision, always feel spaced out and light are always to bright, do u get this? I'm seeing someone else next week but after 2years and over 8k private health bills I'm desperate to find someone who has an answer!

yep my eye have all kinds of junk going on . man if you find out what is
going on let me no and your 8k i can see that i got over 10 in self help
junk . I lost track of the doc bills after 20 . man i dont wont to take
any meds . man do i just take them . im not to much for pills .

11-11-11, 13:11
I get this, usually the tell tale sign I am on the edge.

I have passed out and although "they" say you dont pass out as a result of anxiety, I think I probably did.

this link is a booklet on dissociative seizures they are like panic attacks but instead of panicking and hyperventilating you pass out

11-11-11, 13:52
For the past 2-3 months I've also constantly felt off balance and dizzy, haven't been the drs yet over it as am sure its another symptom of my anxiety :weep: Just another one I deal with. I tell myself that If I don't wake up feeling that way but it comes on me throughout the day ( which it does ) its a classic symtom of anxiety and nothing else. When am distracted it seems to lessen too but the more I focus on it the worse it gets. Am trying so hard to overcome all of this but its so hard. I've even started the gym to try and help me, been going 5 weeks and as the minute only helps when am there !! Your not alone xxx

11-11-11, 14:11
I woke my husand up last night when i was having a funny do, i was shaking disorintated couldnt listen to him my mind was a blur all dizzy, walking backwards and forwards words wouldn,t come out of my mouth told him to shut up because i couldn,t understand what he was saying (laughing he said bloody hell you just got me up to talk to you ) that made me laugh and calm down a bit :D

11-11-11, 15:02
Boat Ride and Abbo

It sounds to me as if you are suffering from Vertigo. Have a look at this web site www.dizzytimes.com (http://www.dizzytimes.com) It's a help site like this one for people who suffer from balance issues. I too suffer from this, it may help you to understand and know what to ask you doctor to do to help you. The main thing seems to be vrt which is Vestibular Rehab Therapy which basically trains your brain to compensate for your lack of balance and perception. I hope you find some help there.


12-11-11, 12:49
hey :D i get the pass out/vertigo feeling! i know why i get it or at least i think i do lol :D if like me you have anxiety there is a list of things that could be causing this... i clench my jaw all day sub consciously and that may cause my balance to be off because your ears are what help you balance and jaw pain can mess with your ears also if u like me sub consciously hyper ventilate then that can also cause your balance to be funny :D hope this helps a bit xxx