View Full Version : hey

22-09-11, 18:19
i suffer from ocd depession anxiaty panic attacks and aggrophobia. i always feel that im going to die sorry dont know what else to say sorry

29-09-11, 01:43
I know it can be hard to put into words exactly what we feel as suffers of these disorders. I feel the same way..feel like I'm dying everyday since I had a horrible panic attack back in march. Before that I had pretty managable anxiety, but now with so many bad things happening in my life my panic/anxiety is unbearable most of the day. Are you on any medication? Hang in there...we'll all get through this it just takes time, and a lot of effort on our part to not give up!!

30-09-11, 14:22
It must be really hard , I know that having anxiety and panic attacks is bad.

best advice I can give you is to trust yourself and allow yourself to do things. By backing out of situations which causes your attacks, you are giving in, but by sticking with it and finishing what you started you will gradually feel better.

Hang in there! It gets better xxx
