View Full Version : Think im having a heart attack

22-09-11, 18:51
I have severe pain in my right arm, no chest pain though.
Pounding heart for no reason, my vision pounds with my hearts, like its shockwaves going through my vision. I did alot of excercise yesteday which could have affected my heart. I find it hard to pick anything up as i get immediate pain. Im drouswy and tierd and my face is itchy.

22-09-11, 18:59
If you were having a heart attack it would be much more likely to be in your left arm, not right. Also it wouldnt when you tried to pick things up, it would be all the time.

22-09-11, 19:02
my tounge feels numb and im shivering cold, my nose is also running :(

22-09-11, 19:03
i ate an out of date sausage roll earlier which i bought from a shop and it was reduced she said it went out of date today but im not sure whether i believe her, im really scared

22-09-11, 19:04
yes i agree i think you would feel it in the left arm. i think you may have pulled a few muscles yesterday and strained yourself.:)

22-09-11, 19:05
All these symptoms sound like anxiety to me.

22-09-11, 19:05

Its just a painful right arm. Take a hot bath and some painkillers. Should feel better soon.


22-09-11, 19:07
you are having alot of symptoms are u starting to panic? i think maybe you are getting yourself worked up do u have a cold?

22-09-11, 19:13
im not starting to panic, and not sure if i have the beginnings of a cold or not. Im really worried because im getting pain in my legs and my bodies going numb, and i keep getting wierd sensations in my body, like a shiver up my spine every minute. its scary.

22-09-11, 19:17
If you are worried ring Nhs Direct or your on call docter. Im sure you will be fine tho it maybe the start of a cold which is bringing on the symptoms. xx

22-09-11, 19:18
Sounds to me like start of cold/flu thats how I felt when i had flu x

22-09-11, 19:23
i ate a mouusse 11 days out of date hun x your ok might be a cold

sell by dates are rubbish they dont mean much- go by taste etc look lol x

govt wants to stop the silly sell by dates as some people throw food away if it goes out n its fine to eat

22-09-11, 19:23
noooo! :'( i really dont want the flu thats my worst nightmare, it made my anxiety EXTREMELY bad last time i felt ill. my face is all hot and my right hand has pins and needles :( x

22-09-11, 19:24
but emma this is a sausage roll, its meat :(

22-09-11, 19:25
i asked if you was panicing coz you have alot of symptoms. havent heard anything with all those things you could ring your doctor:)

22-09-11, 19:27
ur body can handle flu hun n the worrying is making it worse

other day dad ate chicken 5 days out- his fine. sell by dates r crap lmao xx

22-09-11, 19:31
hmm but not sure if the shop keeper was lying or not to be able to sell it. she put the price down to less than a quarter of it, it was only 20p lol. keep getting shivers

22-09-11, 19:38

The fact your symptoms are jumping all over the place smacks of anxiety to me, so it is more important for you to try to relax if you can, by distraction, tv, play an internet game, etc.

Your heart is fine. Left arm pain up to the shoulder and jaw, and severe, tightening chest pain are heart attack symptoms. Yours sound more muscular or virally then anything else.

Your recent symptoms of shivers up the spine and numbness are anxiety related, and this figures as you are super anxious that something is severely wrong. Try to think logically if you can.

See how you go and try, try, try to relax. Make a cuppa, chill on the sofa and rest if you are feeling wobbly.

Take care.xx:hugs:

22-09-11, 20:47
you would not get food poisoning that fast , it's normally the day after eating bad food that you get ill.
But if you are sick you WILL have a temperature, have you checked yours?
You don't mention feeling sick, with a cold or flu you normally have a cough, fever and aches and pains too.
Maybe you over did the working out?
anxiety can make you shiver, does you arm hurt all the time or just when you move it?
it's just a sore muscle if it hurts when you move it.

22-09-11, 20:59
I find I always feel like I am coming down with a cold when I am run down from feeling anxious. Bit of a heavy feeling in the chest, sore throat, aches and pains... All signs of anxiety, and the stress your body is under as a result. Being anxious really takes it's toll you know.

If it puts your mind at ease, give NHS direct a call or ring the out of hours doctor. Sometimes worrying about what could be wrong is just as bad as actually HAVING something wrong.



23-09-11, 03:40
Ive just woken up. My head hurts and my heart is really fast. My face is hot and my stomach hirts. Hurts to swallow and i can hardly walk tmy legs are that painful. Armvhurts all the time.

23-09-11, 03:49
did you check your temperature to see if it's a virus?
If you are feeling very ill, call the NHS nurse lady or ring up the out of hours GP., but I must say it doesn't sound like a heart attack and only you know how bad your symptoms are and if you are overreacting.
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well after trying to sleep :hugs:

Edit: If it hurts to swallow it may a cold/flu which all you can is take Lemsip, or paracetamol, if you do wait until the morning and are not feeling better I would suggest popping into the doctor.
If you have a fever take the paracetamol 2 every 4 hours or what ever it says on the box.
Chicken soup I hear is very nutritional and good for colds.

23-09-11, 03:54
sounds like you are coming down with flu

boat ride
23-09-11, 05:01
Dont let your self panic if it was your hart you would no it .
you said you worked out . you just mite of pulled somting
it will pass. Hang in there.

23-09-11, 16:51
Ergh i hope im not getting the flu! :(
My arms and legs hurt sooo much! :(

and my head is so painful.

doc said my throat was red but there was no fever or tempreture, and she gave me prozak and rinitidine.

23-09-11, 17:52
Your leg and arm pains will be with the working out. If you do a lot of exercise you are not accustomed to that will make you feel as if you can hardly walk for a few days afterwards.