View Full Version : kidney stress

22-09-11, 18:52
hi thanks in advance for the help,
im male 27 years old with ptsd, this year i started to get health anxiety. rushing to the hospital thinking im having a heart attack, being told its a opannic attack.
i did a urine test last week the specialist says i have blood in my urine which hes not worried about as iv had it for since i can remember like alot of people in my family. he says there is also protein in my urine and he would like me to have a biopsy. the amount of protein is PCR 87
is this alot? its realy stressing me out im having constant pannic attack and my blood pressure is always high with anxiety.
thanks again

22-09-11, 21:23
Is it protein creatanine ratio test? Done by urine sample. I think it is higher than the labs normal parameters but could be alot higher if that makes sense. They probably have to investigate further after a certain level. But if it were me i would speak to the doctor and make sure you have all your questions answered. Its hard enough been unwell but with anxiety its can be terrifying. Dont feel you cant ask the doctor thats what they are there for. No good just sitting wondering.

22-09-11, 21:45
yes it is protein creatine test done by urine sample.
thanks so much for replying. im in a state and all everyone can say is dont worry about it.
i will ring the drs in the morning. thanks again :)

22-09-11, 22:38
Yes i would. It be no good saying dont panic to me either. Even though im sure it isnt anything to panic about. Try and get your answers tomorrow and then at least you can have a goid weekend. If you dont mind asking. Why did you have the test? Did you have renal bloods done as welk?

22-09-11, 22:58
i use to be in the army in 2000 i had a medical for boxing and they found blood in my urine and told me not to worry about so i didnt. i never use to care lol.
then in 2005 whilst in iraq i come down with what i thought was a mental breakdown. they said its ptsd, then this year iv had health anxiety come really bad. so i had my urine checked again as it was in the back of my mind and this time they found the blood and protein.
iv read that stress can cause protein to go high. i cant stop stressing, the slightest thing and i think im going to die.

22-09-11, 23:00
sorry i had bloods done and they all came back fine. thanks for the reply :)

22-09-11, 23:11
Thats positive that your bloods have come back normal. I always have blood in my urine when tested. This was picked up about six years ago but i also never cared then but oh so different now! You must have bedn through alot w:)ith your job. i cant begin to imagine so dont be so hard on yourself regarding your anxiety, ptsd. Good luck with getting your answers. Im sure with your fighting experience you can get a doc to answer your questions

06-02-17, 21:41
Did u find out what it was I'm suffering with this now high protein in urine . I'm worried sick