View Full Version : Bone pain or blood clot??

22-09-11, 19:27
Hey everyone I've only just joined and am looking for some advice or ressurance I guess.

For months my legs were aching I thought I had a blood clot, went to doctors they said it was nothing got turned away several times, was recently told though I have a low Vitamin D level.

I've been put on Vitamin D supplements and am taking 2 calcium tablets a day.
I've been told these will take at least 3 months to work.

I get pain in my legs all the time, however it's now constant.
Around a week ago I started getting pain around the back of my knee and just above it.
Today I've got a pain on the left side of my groin.
I am so worried, everyday I've been checking my legs for temperature/redness/swelling. Even though I have no symptoms apart from pain I just cannot stop thinking I have a blood clot and that It's gonna travel to my heart and that's it I'm dead.

I have read so many things about people having no symptoms of blood clots.

My dad has had a DVT & PE in the past, and I have inherited a blood clotting disorder from him.

Am I just driving myself mad or does anyone think maybe I should go to the doctors and ask about seeing whether I have a clot or not?

Thanks :weep:

23-09-11, 17:18
Hiya, first of all welcome to nmp! :)

I have this exact same thing, i have the pains behind my knees and above them and people just always say 'its normal' and don't really listen to me. This is something that has been bothering me for years now, something i find that helps is massaging the area on your legs that hurt.

I would go to the doctor just for peace of mind :) im sure its nothing serious x