View Full Version : Where is my mind?

23-09-11, 06:38
Hey guys..its austin here and on the 23rd of august i ate some pot..i have a real sensitive to pot.I have been in the mental hospital for 2 weeks..i am home now on leave and im real scared my house looks unreal my..things look big..my dad looks visuly disturbing..things look scary im on anti depresants...ive had psychosis before im just scared ive done major brain damige for life...im real anxious at the moment what should i do?? things look 1D and sureal..i havent been home for a long time though i fell like never leaving one spot and siting in one spot the rest of my life :wacko:

perceptual distortions are as such...things look disturbing some coulers even make me want to vomit..i get tunnel vision

And i fell like i telaport everywere...and that time goes super slow or super fast...i fell not real..or my familys not real..and its really scary will i ever get better...the docs said it should clear up..and they did a eeg on me to test for epilipsey. Im scared im going to become catatonic and severly psychotic im scared help someone please. im 16 by the way.

My delusions are that i am stuck in a LSD trip..when i have never even taken that drug..or that ive done brain damige..

blue moon
23-09-11, 07:07
Hello Austin.
What hospital have you been in.
Petra x

23-09-11, 07:10
I am in youth mental health in a town in australia called lismoore

blue moon
23-09-11, 07:22
My husband is Psych,he might know doctors at Lismore,what is name of mental health unit,and i ask him.

23-09-11, 07:39
Umm i am not quite sure the name of the place..im aware of all the docs names..gary and christine

23-09-11, 07:51
my life has just been changed...i dont understand things like i used to..my world seems not real..i cant have little nany naps withouth waking up freaking out..i just dont know what to do anymore...suicide is always on my mind

23-09-11, 10:52
You sond like you have Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. Not a joke - look it up.

23-09-11, 13:01
My immediate reaction was that you're suffering from depersonalization due to high levels of stress and anxiety. Look it up!

23-09-11, 18:14
look both up! We'll get you busy on this forum...

24-09-11, 00:59
ive herd of alice in wonderland syndrome and i do get similer symptoms to it but i never took acid and im depresed and anxious all the time..it really sucks

24-09-11, 01:35
It is the drugs causing this

24-09-11, 06:56
But i havent taken any drugs i took it about a month ago.

24-09-11, 11:27
Hiya bukendaa,
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time.......are you on any meds at the moment.......when i,m anxious/panicky i get depersonalisation......just wondering does anyone have any advice on best way to deal with this or maybe someone on here who suffers from it and is now better could perhaps tell us how you conquered it.
Manda xx

25-09-11, 08:36
umm yeh im on antipsychotics and anti depresents..yeh it sucks so much..my whole world has been turnd upside down..it really sucks. Please guys dont take one day for granted