View Full Version : Scared to be happy?

becks xxx
23-09-11, 14:45
This is gonna sound like such a weird thing to say but it's almost like im scared to be happy? Things have been going a lot better but now when im in a good mood/feel happy.. im questioning it!! Thinking.. is it normal to feel like this? Am i too happy? Is this the beginning of bipolar - am i going to go manic?
How do i stop questioning this?! and enjoy how im feeling instead of questioning it. does anyone else get this x

expecto patronum
23-09-11, 15:33
Hi Becks, this sounds familiar, I get this too! No I don't think you're scared to be happy, but I think you may be scared of good/happy feelings because when you spend a lot of your time feeling anxious and worried, when you do feel good and 'normal' or whatever, you sometimes immediately start to fear that the good feeling will be snatched away from you again. So I don't think you're scared to be happy, but scared of the happiness ending or even that the happiness itself is a problem or 'dangerous' in some way. If you can just try to accept these thoughts that you get as your mind doing its thing and accept their presence rather than pushing away from them (I know this is easier said than done though)

23-09-11, 23:21
Hi Becks! I know exactly what you mean! I've always felt this way I think but more so in the last 4/5 years. If things start going well and I feel happy then I become worried and start thinking that something awful must have to happen next because no-one can feel this happy!! It's so weird and I wish I could just enjoy the moment without feeling like there should be consequences for being happy?! This probably sounds really weird too but I'm 23 years old and have never had a serious boyfriend. It's not like I've never been asked out or anything but I'm really worried about getting serious with someone because I feel like my mind will be taken off being worried because I'm going to be having fun with someone and then if that happens something bad will happen! No-one I've told can get their heads around this but I hardly blame them ha! I just want to be able to relax and not worry so much. I've been on citalopram for about 5 weeks now and to be honest I don't feel that much different.. But then I kind of knew that taking these pills were not going to get rid of the worries I have.. Anyway sorry for the essay just wanted to share my story with you and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way!

27-09-11, 23:18
i to am like this afraid of happiness and as someone pointed out its the fear of it being took away from you or you think something bad will follow the happiness so you become afraid of it sad int it to be afraid to feel happy take care all trish