View Full Version : My Mum and her Worries

Patrick Heron
17-05-06, 23:48
Hi there Guys

Sorry if I'm in the wrong bit but here goes.

Right my mum has had a few bad experiences in the past, many years ago now , but she still worries. For example, what I would see as menial issues, can to her appears a great big issue to worry over all the time. She has had one or two panic attack in past years but nothing massively unusual for anyone, but its just she worries all the time, over insignificant things, here are a few examples.

The Boiler
It makes a small noise/creaking when heating the water, the pipes warming up etc, but my Mum then thinks there is a massive problem and that the boiler will need replacing, and then the heating will need replacing, she wont even turn the switch for the water to come on any more, me or my dad do it , as she is simply to scared to do so.

The Water
A water company had turned the mains water off earlier today, therefore the local water pressure had changed a tad, and as soon as my mum turned the tap on she immediately started to worry about the water pressure being to high,despite the fact I had told her why the pressure was like this.

The above are only a few examples, she worries a lot, about the Cat(like if he's been out for hours), bills, my Sister (who lives away from home) the list goes on. This may sound silly I know, but she worries greatly and often looses sleep.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



18-05-06, 00:24
hi patrick. i think you should introduce your mum to this site let her read some things on here...what she does is very common with people with anxiety..has she visited her doc about this i think she should sorry cant be of more help

jools xx

Patrick Heron
18-05-06, 00:39
Hiya Jools

Yeah she's been to the doctors before when its been bad, she does see a woman every now and again , who works in counseling I think, but that's only like once every two months, but my mum said she's even too embarrassed to talk to her about some of the things she worries and gets anxiety over.

And Yep, I'll get my mum to have a look on here.


18-05-06, 01:40

If your mum is in counseling she shouldn't be embarassed to tell what is going on or she won't get the benefit of the counseling. I do hope she visits this site and finds out she isn't alone.


18-05-06, 04:22
What a great, caring person you are to look on after your mom. Really common stuff you talked about. The moderators on this site and all here who have been with anxiety can tell you that, I am sure. You know, buddy, I worry if I don't worry...lol...so I know what you talk about mom's situation makes so much sense to me, and you explained it so well with your examples...very articulate you are. The fact you can both talk about it is wonderful. I tend to obsess and catastrophize, two things common to anxiety symptoms, and I knowhat there are CBT therapies which have been extremely helpful to me (please see this site info on CBT techniques, or write to the moderators for more information). You are a great kiddo and mom will be ok. It is ok to think and process stuff differently, and mom processess some stuff through the lenses of one with a tendency to perhaps have anxiety, not bad, just different way of processing or seeing the world. Keep talking it over with mom if you feel like it. I know I talk to my family if I feel anxious, and I know I process differently, and that can be hard for them and me too, but keep talking together. It will work out. Hugs, Taf

Patrick Heron
18-05-06, 09:29
Cheers for the replies guys.

Yeah TBH , I think the best thing she can do is spend a fair while looking through this site, ya know just to see how other people have coped and got through anxieties. Just to give a clearer picture.

I got her to have a look on the internet last night at a few sites to do with Anxiety, so this could maybe be the beginning of her getting over it I hope...


marie ross
18-05-06, 10:06
Hi Patrick,

I'm a mum also and thats my main hobby 'worrying' i'm constantly worrying about one thing or the other (cat included!!), but i think it would be a great help if she did have a look around this site, because it has helped me so much, and its reassuring to know that your not the only one who thinks there going mad all the time. Hope this helps you and your mum.

Take care.

Marie XXX