View Full Version : So scared about leukemia

24-09-11, 00:17
Hey Everyone,
I was doing so good until now. I'm freaking out because I think I have leukemia. I have little red pin pricks on my lower legs and maybe 3 on my fingers, most go away after awhile but some haven't. I've also had headaches/neck pain and buzzing in my hands/feet that was the worst when I started taking Citalopram (20mg) and has gradually become better but it's been 3 months, so I don't think it could be the meds, maybe it is. I don't feel sick or anything, I'd know if I had this disease right? :weep:

24-09-11, 11:30
I know how you feel I went threw a period thinking I had leukaemia swell because of these red marks. I got myself physically ill but trust me you'd know if you have it my friend had it and he said he felt really weak, pale, breatless easily. Im currently freaked about a brain tumour because I'm having mild sharp head pain but its just anxiety playing it's old trick on us. Just keep positive and good luck xxx

26-09-11, 22:55
Thanks Toms, I appreciate it. Don't worry I had the head pain too. We will get through this :) Take care :hugs:

Hazel B
26-09-11, 22:58
My Granny had leukemia and you don't have any of the same symptoms. I know how it feels to worry sick over having cancer but it's very unlikely. :)

27-09-11, 03:14
Thank you, Hazel. I appreciate the reassurance. It means more than you know

27-09-11, 19:32
The red pin pricks are they a sign? I have tham on my arms they seem to come and go! Ive never known what they are as they have been there for quite a long time. xxxx

27-09-11, 21:41
My son had leukaemia and never had these pin pricks.
Before he got diagnosed he was becoming very very ill over the weeks.
If you had leukaemia you could be very very ill
Please try not to worry x

28-09-11, 15:11
My Dad had leukaemia in later life. He had none of the symptoms you have described xxx

29-09-11, 19:00
Thank you Magic and love, that makes me feel better.