18-05-06, 01:28
I have what one would assume would be a happy event, a vacation, coming up on Saturday where I will have to fly. I do not like to fly. This week I have been having horrible nightmares where I will spare the details but I have been waking up with a racing heart and just feel quite ill. [V] This has made the upcoming trip quite unbearable for me. Why is it that what most people would look forward to I see the downside of it all? I am worrying about leaving my son even though he is in the hands of a great caregiver. My other son is old enough to stay in our home, thus I worry if our home will still be standing when we get back! I'm even worrying about my dog, it is really sad. Logically looking at this I know it is silly but I can't will these feelings away. I'm on medicine for this anxiety but it isn't helping with this trip. I also know my thyroid is acting up which increases anxiety but that still doesn't help me calm down. I'm afraid if I don't go on this trip I will never fly again and that would be a shame. I know I must face my fears but feel like these nightmares are trying to tell me something. Any replies would be welcome. Thanks.


18-05-06, 04:07
It will be ok!!!!!! The night time anxiety is a normal part of this whole picture, as I think others would tell you here. Have they changed your thyroid med doses recently? Gosh...nighmares galore if they up my dose of synthroid. Have you chatted with your pharmacist or doc about nightmares perhaps being a side effect of meds? Any changes can cause sensitivity to the anxiety, I have found. I know panics and anxiety is such a bear. I have had panics on and off since I was 16, and know it can peak and wane. The "wanes" are more frequent than the "peaks" and I know that for you the site members with more expertise than I will be on soon to share their wonderful wisdom and tips which, believe me...REALLY work! I know you not only will be fine, but will have a lovely holiday, too. Hugs, Taf:D

18-05-06, 08:33
bell, if you get on that flight you will arrive at your destination safetly. look at the many people who fly every day for their work. it is the very safest form of transport and enables us to see beyond our wee lives. i know only too well what it is like to fear flying, but our fear is an irrational one. bring as many self help books on the fl;ight with you. read them and make them peacify you. bring a funny book that will amke you laugh. if you are really bad do what i did once, have a short brandy, it made me numb, which was just great

go, have a ball, and come home and tell us all about it


18-05-06, 10:51
Hi Belle,

You go and have a good time girl, try to just float past these thoughts, that even you say are irrational, they can be there but it is up to us how much importance we put on them.

It is just your anxiety putting these fears out of proportion, rise above them and enjoy yourself, if anyone deserves a good time then it is you. I think sometimes we are scared to enjoy ourselves and not feel a bit of fear, it has almost become a habit to think the worst.

But you do deserve to enjoy yourself, just float past the negative and look at the positives to the trip.


Take care



18-05-06, 13:25
Taf: Thank you for your reply. Yes I too am on synthroid and yes it does mess with your anxiety. Nasty thing this thyroid mess isn't it!!! Right now I am on two different doses so they are really playing with it, so it could really be testing me. I see the docs soon.

Jackie: Thank you for the advice for the plane ride, I will follow it. I do so hope I will be able to do it.

Ollie: Aww, thanks for your advice too. I will try to look at the positives of the trip, just haven't seen any this week.

Again, thanks so much for your replies, I have had a bad week.


19-05-06, 05:20
I am so proud of how you have handled yourself through this. You have suffered for the most part silently, and I am so glad you've decided to open up a bit about this.
You are so strong, and I know all too well how awful this anxiety can be...we are able to realize that the fear is so irrational, but seem to be powerless in changing our thoughts.
I know you can do this, I truly do know that you have it in you..and remember "no judging"

Take Care of You,

19-05-06, 05:48
hi bel go and have a good trip I know exactly how you feel but just remember anxiety and panic cannot hurt you. please go and come back and tell us what a wonderful time you had. Dont avoid it if you can help it as I did with driving and now after 6 months am fighting a battle to get started again. Nothing can hurt you and everything will be just as it was when you come back so for once think about you only and have FUN FUN FUN. desi

19-05-06, 15:08
Hi Bel
Just wanted to give you a bit of encouragement.
I went on holiday last week spent 3 months dreading the flight and making my anxiety 10 times worse.
But I'm still here and actually it wasnt that bad, yes I felt anxious but it was mainly when waiting at the airport once we were up in the air I was ok. I took lots of sweets to suck, puzzle books to keep me occupied and some lavendar oil which helps to relax you.
You will be fine I promise x


19-05-06, 16:28
Tina: As always my friend, thank you for your continued support.

Desi: Thank you too. I am glad you are starting to drive again, good luck.

J.Doody: Thank you for the advice and congratulations on your flight. I'm so glad this trip wasn't planned 3 months in advance or I'd been really ill, poor you!

Again, thank you all so much!


19-05-06, 17:40

you will be ok, you are a really strong person and your advise to people on chat is always of great comfort.

you are s strong person belle and dont ever forget it

you can do it

take care

ruthb1 xxxxx