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View Full Version : Whats wrong with my toenail? Pic included

24-09-11, 22:46
One thing after another :(
what could this be?
big toe..


24-09-11, 22:49
Did you hit it on something?

24-09-11, 22:52
I think so I cant remember, it was a while a go if I had (months) I remember when I was little my whole nail falling off, and it grew back but after taking my nail polish off today I saw this and it freaked me out, read about someone having to have there toe cutting off and jumped to conclusions! x

24-09-11, 22:58
It's amazing what can throw our HA into overdrive!
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about!
Your nail and your toe both look like the circulation is fine so I wouldn't worry about it.

24-09-11, 23:05
My HA is so bad as I am sure you can guess with all the sudden posts if its not one thing its another this was just the icing on the cake :(
Your right, thank you x

24-09-11, 23:12
Don't worry about it. I've been there and completely understand!
Post for support and reassurance as much as you need to!
That is what we are all here for.

24-09-11, 23:14
Thats great sandy, really appreciate that xx

24-09-11, 23:23
Do you suffer from psoriasis by any chance?

24-09-11, 23:25
What is psoriasis? I dont know what that is, so not what I know of

24-09-11, 23:32
What is psoriasis? I dont know what that is, so not what I know of

It's a skin condition which causes skin to grow too quickly, thus making it peel and shed. Reason i ask is i noticed the yellowish discoloration on the top of your toe and i think i notice vertical ridging as well which are symptoms of nail psoriasis. When you look at your toe under light is there vertical lines?

24-09-11, 23:34
Oh I see! Yes I see vertical lines, is it a serious condition?

24-09-11, 23:44
No it's just cosmetic. I suffer from psoriatic arthritis and a few of my finger nails have gone bad. Being a guy I can't cover them with nail varnish lol.

If that is the only toe affected I doubt it is psoriasis but ridging and pitting in your nails is aa sign of vitamin deficiency.

24-09-11, 23:46
Oh I see! Us ladies are lucky to have nail varnish,

I didn't think of vitamin deficiency, what will the doctor test to see if I do have it?

25-09-11, 00:10
you could try buffing your nails?

25-09-11, 00:14
You won't need to see a doctor...it just looks like bruising under the skin.
Personally, I don't find it effective to jump to a diagnosis of psoriasis/vitamin deficiency from such a blurry photo.

25-09-11, 00:16
If you're so worried you can get a tablet from health shops called 'Healthy Skin and Nails' - it contains a number of vitamins and minerals to help keep your nails healthy. A lot of my girl friends take them

25-09-11, 00:19
My nail on my big toe is always yellowed after I remove my polish. Nail polish if you don't use an undercoat will discolor your nails.

25-09-11, 00:48
Not sure if it is the same, but I do know that when you damage your nail so badly that it falls off, it can do a lot of lasting damage. I slammed a fingernail in the door and it fell off eventually. My nail still isn't normal, and that was 6 years ago! It still grows in strange.

25-09-11, 00:54
youve stubbed your toe at some point. if you hit it too hard, the root dies and it takes about 2 months to fall off and start growing a new one. I say this because i do a 27 mile charity walk every year and lose about 4 toenails in the process. they look exactly like yours. x

25-09-11, 00:58
oh, and sorry to contradict swgrl09, but ive lost about 15 toenails over the years from walking and they all grow back fine. I think they are confusing it with damaging just part of the root, that can cause the nail to grow unevenly, permanently. When it covers the whole toe, like yours, usually the whole thing comes off eventually. you can usually tell if this is the case... if you pull upwards on the toenail after a couple months, it feels like its just stuck on loosely rather than attached to your toe. Losing a toenails not in any way as gross as you might think and it is painless. when the nail falls off there is already a thin nail underneath forming. hope this helps. x

25-09-11, 01:20
Thank you to everyone, I thank you for helping,
Yes I have noticed most of my toe nails are yellow from the nail polish!
wow xfilme you have lost alot of nails! my one fell off from walking too, when I was 17 I would walk miles, i remember it coming off pain free.. I may have bruised mine recently but just forgot about it
youve helped alot thanks again x

25-09-11, 16:30
There's not a huge amount of things that can go wrong with a toe. If it's generally the same colour (i.e. pink) as the rest of the toes, same temperature, not hurting severely or anything I'd say it's fine. From the photo it looks like a nice healthy toe. Apart from the nail discolouration - which looks a bit like a bruise, you may have knocked it and not remembered.
The only reasons people have their toes amputated is if they have lost their blood supply and the tissue dies, or they are really severely infected. You would really know about either of these too because it would be extremely painful and a completely different colour and look nasty! Your feet look great compared to these kind of patients that I see in hospital!! (I'm a medical student)
I doubt it is psoriasis, it wouldn't be just on one toe, and it gives you very distinctive scaly patches on your skin. Everyone has some little ridges on their nails (I do and have worried about them at one point but they are normal) :-)

Gemma T
25-09-11, 17:22
Looks like a bruise sweetie x x x

25-09-11, 22:29
Looks like you ve banged the toenail or compressed it-sort of looks like a bruising reaction under the nail-will probably take a good couple of weeks to go. - hope this helps x:)

25-09-11, 23:11
Thanks again everyone, I feel silly as I do actually remember banging my toe on the hoover now lol xx