View Full Version : needing to talk

18-05-06, 09:45
just wanted to talk to someone about things who have been there.....feeling very bad again today. so so anxious, jumpy, nauseous, have been sick and don't seem to be able to make it go away. i find that when i'm ok i can do my coping strategies, have tried, really have, but when i get to feeling bad i get terrified, think it will never go away and i'll feel like this for ever, and don't seem to be able to rationalise with myself. i don't seem to be able to think straight. i've taken some tablets-my diazepam-but i don't feel any better. i have an appt with my counsellor at midday so perhaps he can help. hope this has not scared anyone off, just wanted to feel not quite so alone and completely mad!

marie ross
18-05-06, 10:02
Hi Kerry,

Sorry your feeling so rubbish at the moment. I had a panic attack last night, first one in so long that i forgot how bad they were, and everything i've learnt and told myself went out the window and i lost it a little bit. I also felt like you now, will this ever leave me, will it go away. But that was last night, this morning i'm still a little shaky but i got through it and so will you. Its just a little set-back and and you'll be back on track soon enough. Good luck with your counsellor I hope it all goes well for you. Take care.

Marie XXX

18-05-06, 10:31
Hi Kerry, sorry to hear your having a crap day! Like you i am able to cope most of the time but when i get a really bad attack everything goes out the window! Try to remember you've felt this way before and survived so it's only a matter of time til you feel better. However bad you feel DO go to see your counseller, it will be a good thing for them to see you at your worst.
Let us know how you get on, Love India xx

18-05-06, 10:37
thankyou for replying-i did want to go to my appt so he could see me 'bad' , in a funny way i think may help him understand more....i just wish i could not feel so 'frozen', unable to think of anything but that i feel sick and scared, worried that i have not eaten. i don't seem to be able to function right, just keep crying which cannot be good and everyting seems so difficult-getting dressed and showered seemed such a task.

18-05-06, 12:05
Hi Kerry,
Sorry to hear your feeling so low today, hope your meeting with your counsellor goes well and you are feeling better soon,
let us know how it goes
take care
love joanne

18-05-06, 13:32
Hi Kerry

Sorry to hear your going through a low today. Its only a little blip though & it will pass hun i promise you.

I hope that all went well with your counsellor earlier.

keep your chin & keep smiling

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

18-05-06, 13:34
well i went-he thought that i have had a lot on my plate lately and that i am too hard on myself. he suggested doing the basics for a while that the recovery/rest period had not been long enough. he tried to get me to do relaxation exercises which i found so difficult, i seemed unable to let go of tension. he wnats me to do this every day to practice. he also said that diazepam is sometimes more trouble. feeled very drained and sick and utterly exhauseted. sorry to be so negative.

18-05-06, 18:54
Hi Kerry

Glad that you got on okay with the counsellor. Im also told by my counsellor amongst others that i can be to hard on myself as wekk, im sure too that there are quite a few people on here also the same.

You will be alright hun. Keep up with the breathing exercises they will help.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart