View Full Version : First CBT session

25-09-11, 08:54
Hi everyone

I have my first CBT session on Tuesday morning, initially its a telephone assessment and then I start one to one therapy. Fingers crossed!!

25-09-11, 09:13
Best of luck Laine,

My cbt course did me the world of wonders, hence i am now back working with the public............something i would never thought i could do again.

Fingers crossed it works for you, keep us posted.

di xxxx

25-09-11, 18:25
Good luck Liane!

CBT, especially 1to1 therapy has helped me loads. Esp good having the therapist there, rather than only reading from a book, as they let you question things and can help make advice flexible so that it fits your situation.

CBT probably does have its naff sides, but if you accept that and stand your ground if they try to foist a one-size-fits-all solution on you, it hope it will be an important part of helping you get through your current problems.

Zee x

27-09-11, 07:07
thanks :)

feeling nervous this morning but also positive that I've made the first step in getting some help.