View Full Version : something stuck in throat?

25-09-11, 10:05
Has anyone ever had the feeling where either flem or something is stuck in there throat??? Like u need to swallow or cough all the time to get rid of it??? I am worried its a tumor or cancer of some sort??? Please help reassure me

25-09-11, 10:55

Click on this link and scroll down to the throat part.


hope it helps.

di xx

25-09-11, 15:34
I am really worried, I don't feel anxious its just come on the last few days, I am worried about cancer of the osaphagus, it just feels like something constantly at the back of my throat xxx feel so worried x

25-09-11, 16:57
It's called globus hystericus or globus sensation, commonly caused by anxiety, stress and acid reflux
I'm suffering with it atm, although I haven't suffered from anxiety in a year or 2, you will be fine, the best cure I found was distraction and excercise, also eating seems to relieve the sensation for me for a while anyway, relax and do not focus on it :)

25-09-11, 17:19
I notice this with anxiety too.

Gemma T
25-09-11, 17:20
I get this when I have a bad cough. Maybe your coming down with something x x x

25-09-11, 22:17
Dont worry Ive had this globus sensation on and off for over a year now-sometimes I cant swallow my food properly and even though I know it cant be serious and know its an anxiety symptom the negative " what if " thoughts still come in. i actually had a scope down my throat in the end and it was normal. Theres a whole section dedicated to this on the forum page under globus hystericus-read it it will reassure you xxxxx

25-09-11, 22:47
Well said Gazman...Thats exactly what its called. Been there myself with that one. Scopes, bariums....Its no more than general anxiety,and usualy goes when you have been told by the experts thats all it is....I was convinced i could feel a lump and couldnt believe when i was told all was normal....So get get yourself along to the docs for piece of mind.....

26-09-11, 21:12
Still so worried about this sensation..... Had it for a week now, I really feals like something in my throat, so worried if its a tumor

27-09-11, 11:05
Try to RELAX and stop thinking about it as this is what feeds the GLOBUS sensation. I know what it feels like as I get this but when it first started I had it for nearly a month before it went-and it only went when i was reassured nothing was wrong. Its VERY UNLIKELY to be a tumour-you would have had other symptoms eg weight loss or choking on food ( I had an uncle who died from throat cancer ) What your feeling is tight throat muscles as a result of anxiety so the more anxious you get the worse it becomes. I know I sound bossy but I just want you to stop worrying. You could still go see your doc and get some advice. CHILL x

28-09-11, 14:32
I feel better when I am eating... As soon as I stop eating the feeling returns!!! I am so worried do u definatly think its nothing to worry about x

28-09-11, 17:46
yes mine used to stop when I ate-so I used to sip a glass of water to see if it went !! The fact you can eat surely means theres no throat obstruction. ITS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT-JUST ANXIETY x:hugs:

28-09-11, 20:56
I had globus for almost 4 months, eating made the sensation go away for me too, it's nothing to worry about, but you have to stop focusing on the swallowing sensation and deal with your anxiety :)

28-09-11, 20:57
It sometimes feels like pressure on my throat.... Like when u get hit in the throat ... That horrible feeling... Has anyone had this feeling?? X

29-09-11, 21:17

29-09-11, 23:16

I sent you the link about the lump in the throat feeling.............have you read it.

The only time i got relief from mine was when i was eating other than that it was there all the time, once i accepted what it was it left me as it will do you.

Have you been to the docs for peace of mind??

Its a horrid symptom and those who have had it, the majority of us believe it is some sort of throat cancer, it feels so real and the more you pay attention to it the worse it feels.

Like i say hun, go to the docs so he can give you some reassurance.

di xx

30-09-11, 17:30
Hi bex, I've had this throat sensation, and the presimg feeling, its horrible I know and feel for you but it is Just anxiety, try some applied relaxation techniques and neck excersises, they helped me. Also distraction, the more you focus on it, I'm afraid it gets worse.