View Full Version : does anyone else ...

jo h
25-09-11, 10:40
wake up in a morning and have no energy whatsoever ...i just wanna lie on the
sofa all day at the moment ....and am scared of over exerting myself as i worry about my chest pains ....how do u get out of this vicious circle ....any advice at all would be good as i have done nothing all weekend so far...does anyone else get pains in sides ..chest ...completely random .....? I am so sick of them wish they would go away i never feel healthy anymore when i wake .



jo h
25-09-11, 12:51
no replies :unsure: anyone........??

25-09-11, 13:05
Yeah i'm experiencing this at the moment. When i wake up i find it really hard to get out of bed, i will just lay there for an hour or 2 and when i do get up i just lay on the sofa and watch tv.

25-09-11, 13:11
Hi Jo
I know just what you mean. It's a combination of fear of feeling I'll and the exhaustion that comes with anxiety. I find that just trying to sit up and not lie down is enough some days. Other days I set myself tasks such as a bit of house work. I have now progressed to doing a bit of gardening. Just set little goals and be pleased that you made them but be gentle with yourself if you don't.
As for the chest pains they are probably indigestion. I just keep telling myself that anyone who has chest pain with very little exertion or even at rest would be in the end stages of serious cardiac illness. It's hard to do especially when you don't really believe it but it does work eventually. Sometimes I will tell myself out loud that I have a strong and healthy heart.
I hope this helps.

jo h
25-09-11, 13:14
Yeah i'm experiencing this at the moment. When i wake up i find it really hard to get out of bed, i will just lay there for an hour or 2 and when i do get up i just lay on the sofa and watch tv.

thank you ..thats what i am doing now and i have loads to do .......is exhaustion a symptom of anxiety do u think ??? wish i could snap out if it :blush:

25-09-11, 13:16
thank you ..thats what i am doing now and i have loads to do .......is exhaustion a symptom of anxiety do u think ??? wish i could snap out if it :blush:

Yes it is i'm afraid.

jo h
25-09-11, 13:17
Hi Jo
I know just what you mean. It's a combination of fear of feeling I'll and the exhaustion that comes with anxiety. I find that just trying to sit up and not lie down is enough some days. Other days I set myself tasks such as a bit of house work. I have now progressed to doing a bit of gardening. Just set little goals and be pleased that you made them but be gentle with yourself if you don't.
As for the chest pains they are probably indigestion. I just keep telling myself that anyone who has chest pain with very little exertion or even at rest would be in the end stages of serious cardiac illness. It's hard to do especially when you don't really believe it but it does work eventually. Sometimes I will tell myself out loud that I have a strong and healthy heart.
I hope this helps.

Thanks for your reply ...at least I'm not alone ...i sit here with a hot water bottle to ease any pains ...and i have stuff to do ..ok i will try setting myself little tasks too ....and i had an ecg last year but i still think there is something wrong ..always been really healthy and so this really worries me ....feeling so rough every day......anyway i will see how it goes but i feel a visit to the doc may be needed :( was trying not to go back there if i could help it x

25-09-11, 13:25
You are not alone. The tiredness is one of the worst symptoms when you are trying to overcome anxiety and challenge the crazy health worries.
Rest is important too so try to pace yourself.

jo h
25-09-11, 13:53
I will thank you ...going to make myself go for a shower now and see if that helps ....:weep:

25-09-11, 14:49
I think exhaustion comes with worrying constantly, whenever I've had a particularly bad anxiety attack I can sleep for hours and hours afterwards and have no energy to do anything at all

jo h
26-09-11, 10:36
yeah i agree and the constant worrying is so all consuming ..i managed a shower and a little walk down the river yesterday ...not out of bed yet today tho :weep: no energy at all again!!!!

eternally optimistic
26-09-11, 10:43
Hi there

Exhaustion and feeling unwell is the worst, I think.

You feel so tired to move, to think, to be bothered.

Are you on any medication to help with your nervous system?

jo h
26-09-11, 13:55
i was on citalopram came off it a couple of months back ...today i was doing ok but just started getting dull weird ache under my left breast ...tried to do a little exercise but it seemed to aggravate it now I'm worrying again !!!!! and staying still to avoid the pain .....does heart pain get worse with exercise i wonder ???? :weep:

26-09-11, 14:39
Exhaustion is defo a sympton of anxiety -today I feel like I could just lie down on the floor and sleep. Think its cos your mind gets so tired from all the worrying and your sleep isn't restful.

jo h
26-09-11, 14:51
Thats exactly how i feel too ..just wanna lie down all the time :weep:

26-09-11, 16:07
I think the reason for feeling so tired is because our minds are constantly 'thinking, thinking, thinking, worrying, worrying, worrying' that it makes you physically tired. Plus when you are feeling so worried, you totally lake motivation, but then thats the circle again isnt it -the less you do the worse you feel and the more you feed the anxiety and the symptoms. If you are able to do little things, a walk around the park etc, it does really help, even if at the time you feel rubbish, by the end of the day you can often reflect back on the walk round the park and feel to yourself that it DID make you feel a little better :)

jo h
26-09-11, 16:23
Thank you for that ....I will try to be more positive and find things to occupy my mind an body if i can .........things can only get better !!!!! x

jo h
27-09-11, 11:49
well thats another morning wasted lying on the bed ..no energy ..feel rough and done nothing..except wait for the chest pains ........does anyone else feel worse in the mornings ???:weep:

27-09-11, 12:24
It's important to push yourself and get out of bed and keep yourself occupied. It's the only way to break the cycle.

Try and forget about your pains - when you are reminded try and opush it to the back of your mind.

It's a great day in the UK at the moment - do what I'm going to do and get a good book and try and sit out in the sun? :)

jo h
27-09-11, 12:32
Thank you...thats a very good idea ...I may just do that ....it makes sense what you are saying ......just hard to put into practice but thank you for replying makes me feel better :)

27-09-11, 13:25
I completely understand that's it's hard for you - just try your best and take things at your own pace. Hope you have a good day

jo h
27-09-11, 13:29
thank u i just managed to go make a sandwich and have a walk about :) xx hope you do too


27-09-11, 15:44
I know how this feels right now. The last few days the most I've done is go for a tiny walk down the road, but because of chest discomfort I don't feel I can push any further. Not fun is it!? Like Mirabelle said, if you can just do something small, and work your way up slowly.

30-09-11, 19:06
I didn't notice this thread and have just started one asking the same question! I feel the same, I do try and push myself sometimes it works and I snap out of it sometimes it doesn't at which point I give in and sit on the sofa watching rubbish all day. My problem is that I am a mother of 4 gorgeous children and the house work doesn't do it's self, it is building up around me and I have no ernergy to deal with it.

01-10-11, 05:39
Nice sharing.
When i wake up i find it really hard to get out of bed,
i will just lay there for an hour or 2 and when i do get
up i just lay on the sofa and watch tv.