View Full Version : The chicken and the egg

25-09-11, 11:00
I was wondering people's thoughts on whether depression and anxiety is like the chicken and the egg, which comes first. I thought it was anxiety as the panic attacks were the thing I was feeling the most but then I think about my other feelings. When I am panicing I feel that I want to lock myself away which is how I feel when I am depressed, what do other people think?

27-09-11, 23:10
think i wrote somthing like this awhile back i asked wich come first like do i feel anxiouse because of haveig a paic attack or do the panic attacks make me anxiouse wich comes first i ave no idea i was oly 12yrs old wen i had my first panic attack wast aware i was anxiouse but coming up to my teens and beig at a big comprensive school maybe i was i am ow 55 and never haveig the support back the didnt no how to cope with it all so carried all the way into aduit hood now 55 and dtill sufferig take care trish

27-09-11, 23:26
I'm 56 and had anxiety since age 5.
Anxiety was first for me, throw in some depression over the anxiety in the years.
Catch 22 I think.