View Full Version : success :D

25-09-11, 13:30
After a long months battle with severe anxiety and panic attacks, i can honestly say i think i'm on the mend :D It started with convincing myself i was going mad, and then irrational fears of the sky, and then more fears of losing control, then I developed agoraphobia etc. it went on forever and one obsessive thought onto the next. Then i headed for the worst and went through derealisation and depersonalisation and it really was a horrifying experience. I'm now starting to feel like the old me and havn't had a panic attack for about 2 weeks, and i think i'm doing great :) I can now get on with my life, and do the things i used to enjoy. I also feel a stronger person for making it through and can't stop smiling!

25-09-11, 14:08

I think your doing great, well done you :yesyes:. Keep up the good work.

25-09-11, 14:15
well done , Lauren

25-09-11, 15:01
Well done! You're an inspiration. I had a relapse into Panic and Agoraphobia, irrational fear of the sky, and the most chronic depersonalisation/derealisation, just beginning to pull myself out of it. Hope I can do as well as you!

25-09-11, 15:54
thank you :) after battling the panic attacks, really long walks really helped me with the DP and DR, always keep busy, never sit and dwell - so important!

25-09-11, 16:08
Lauren,Well done. I will have to take a leaf out of your book,and get off my backside more.

27-09-11, 00:04
Well done for getting through this, Lauren.

You are quite right, being active makes all the difference - I'll bet you will be enjoying your life over the weeks :yesyes: