View Full Version : Why???

18-05-06, 11:07
Why oh why is it that the more you go into analysisng your panic and breathlessness etc that it gets worse. I know that my anxiety and hot and breathless feelings in a queue in the supermarket are just adrenaline and to calm down but Ive just returned from shopping and went into each shop "anticipating"! the feelings so they came - now Im back home I feel tearful and frustrated - why is the more you focus on the anxiety to make it better it gets worse? Wenjoy x:(

18-05-06, 11:16
Because you are giving it the negative attention anxiety and similar conditions thrive on.

I know it's really hard not to, but perhaps you could try and focus on something else short term- anything, something trivial like what you are cooking for tea- or what film you want to watch. I personally find running through a bit of a funny film or song I like in my head helps distract my short term, and the symptoms usually lessen...

Perhaps try thinking about how you would like to "be" in the shops, and with time and practice it should get easier.. I used to be really bad with shops, but now I find it is easier to just get on with it- which I couldn't do before. I'm not saying I don't struggle, I do, but it does get that little easier each time I manage it.

Look at the positives now: you did it!! That's something to focus on, you could've avoided them, but you didn't. Hope this gets easier for you though.

Hannah xx

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

18-05-06, 11:42
Hi Wen,

It is true, you are giving it importance by focusing on it, not only that you are actually in fear of it coming that is why you are focusing on it, when you fear something you add more adrenalin to it.

What I used to do is just carry on with what I was doing and let the feelings be there, don't try to control them just stay calm in your attitude towards them.

It is the same with anything headache, an ache the more we concentrate on it the worse the pain seems to be, try not to give it too impressed by the way you feel at any given time and you may find your mind wonder onto other things.

Take care



18-05-06, 12:34
Aw hunni. I know what you mean. I don't know why though. But its flippin annoying eh! How long have you suffered with this for?

x x

18-05-06, 14:07
i think thats the problem we focus on it to much!!! should try to thinkok felt bad/rough..but livred through it its gone now..i know how easy it is to say that and so hard to do but i think the more we try to think/say ok thats over did it! the more things will improve because we are accepting it not constantly fighting it... i so wish i could do/say something more thinking of you ..your notalone with these feelings xxxx

jools xx

18-05-06, 15:27
Thanks you guys - seems silly when you write it down and what you all say is true. Its funny coz ive been anxiety panic free for 23 years and havent a clue whats brought it back!!
Will try and to just accept the feelings and not fight them xx