View Full Version : facial flushing worried about carcinoid cancer

25-09-11, 17:24
Odd facial flushing been going on for a few weeks not sweaty like menopause ones. The last for quite long time. Been very anxious and googling found something called carcinoid tumours or syndrome which causes facial flushing. So worried has anyone heard of this?

25-09-11, 17:45
Firstly, don't google, it always makes things worse and will make you even more anxious than you already are. Secondly, this is something i suffer with ALOT, and it really scares me to, but is a common symptom of anxiety. If your worried about it then please visit your doctor. Hope this helps. Take care x

25-09-11, 17:56
Thank you for your reply it means a lot. I know I shouldnt google but its just one of those days where I feel rooted to the spot with worry, everything is an effort. Are u on any meds? I have been off for a while but wondering about going on as feel consumed by fear at the minute

25-09-11, 18:00
Thats no problem. Yes i know exactly how you feel. Yes ive just started taking Prozac, but i have to take it for up to a month to start noticing a difference. What meds were you taking?

25-09-11, 18:08
Prozac also. Tried citalopram once and it nearly sent me over the edge. About 8 months ago at a routine gp appt a doc who doesn't know me said if you have been feeling well for a good few months then come off the Prozac. Now I'm wondering if I should get back on, some of my family feel I should be. Hope the Prozac helps you, it does take a while but I found it good with little or no side effects. Ax

25-09-11, 18:19
I was almost put on citalopram. Well im not to sure about the meds in the first place but im definatly going to give it a try. If the prozac was helping you then maybe it is a good idea to get back on it again, just to give you another boost. Thats something i had huge worries about, the side effects. I havnt had any yet, but im still expecting them to come at any minute lol.

25-09-11, 19:25
I remember worrying about this one about 5 years ago as well after seeing it in one of the real life hospital shows, mever watch them!
I was getting sudden hot flushes but with no sweating on and off and with hindsight it was the peri menopause but I eventually plucked up the courage to tell my then Dr and she shook her head at me and said it is incredibly rare and you actually get a change in skin colour that affects your chest and or back as well that eventually thickens the skin plus alot of people would also get explosive diarrhea at same time.
Duke is right flushing is a sign of anxiety as is sudden shivers as well.

25-09-11, 22:42
Thank you countrygirl. I had been trying to pluck up courage to mention it to GP. I am. 45so right age for perimenopause and also having lots of axiety. It's much easier to rationlize these things when there is someone else who understands health anxiety. Wish I could stop myself looking up symptoms as I usually end up finding something horrible then get paralysed with fear. Thanks again for hoping me think it through.