View Full Version : feeling discouraged

25-09-11, 17:55
I've been on Cipralex since July 29 - 1 week at 2.5mg, 2 weeks at 5 mg, 2 weeks at 7.5 mg and the past 4 weeks at 10mg. Have had lots of good days and very few lasting side effects. When feeling good I am so hopeful but when the bad days come, I start feeling discouraged. I've read all over this site and others that it takes time and my doc concurs but it feels so discouraging to feel so well for a week or so and then for another week or so feel as though things are slipping in the other direction. I can certainly say that the bad days aren't as bad as before the medication but I really thought that by now the bad days wouldn't last so long - this 'blip' has been 5 days so far and I'm still feeling a bit anxious this morning.

I know that many of you have said "give it time and be patient" but I just need to hear it once again. My doc has given me to this coming Tuesday to assess my progress and I'm really hoping to stay on the Cipralex and that it will provide consistent relief in the not so far away long run.

These 'blips' really are common, yes? Even those that seem to last up to a week or so? This is the second I've experienced in a month.

Words of wisdom from those who've been there too?

Thanks so much.


26-09-11, 13:11
Hi Jmac,

I will tell you the usual (and true) statement, "You have to be patient and you will get there."

It took a long time for me, in fact longer than most on this forum. I did increase to the max dosage along the way. Now I feel great most of the time, do have an occasional "blip" as we call it, but it doesn't last as long any more and is no where near as severe.

The trick is what you are doing to help the meds work, exercise, relaxation, keeping busy, talking it out with someone....etc...

The important thing to remember is that you are progressing, you even say that in your post:
"I can certainly say that the bad days aren't as bad as before the medication....."

Unfortunately the inner voice (anxiety) is still strong in you, but eventually you will be able to quiet it. Stay the course and keep posting for reassurances, there are a lot of great people here!

Keep your chin up, you will get through it. The harder the fight the bigger the reward!

Take Care.

26-09-11, 20:27
Thanks so much AIC.

I've read some of your daily journals and always feel it helps me on my journey.

Yes, I'll most likely be posting again asking for additional reassurance along the way. You're right, there are some really great people on this site. It's just too bad there are so many of us who suffer but good to know we're not alone.

Today's a bit antsy for me but I'd say better than a few days ago so that's a positive. I'm a bit nervous about my 3 week evaluation. That, and my husband is away for a few days over Thanksgiving weekend and I'm feeling somewhat anxious about the prospect of being on my own for three days. I know that it's actually a great opportunity to face that fear but the anticipation is uncomfortable nonetheless. However, it's still a ways away and I'll likely be feeling even better then so I just need to work on quieting the anxious inner voice and turn up the volume on the confident one!

Thanks again for your reassurance and inspiration. Hugely valuable.


27-09-11, 15:27
Good show, take on that fear.

Make plans to do something special on Thanks Giving. Buy special bubble baths, a good book or movie(s).... Maybe a massage...

Just something your really enjoy and can look forward to, that will help.

27-09-11, 19:18
Good advice AIC. My anxiety level seems to have risen today. Ativan to take the edge off but I'm sure getting impatient for the Cipralex to offer consistent help.

Have started yoga and aerobic exercise this week along with my regular breathing exercises. I really thought that by now I'd be feeling more good than not good. Sigh...

How long did it take before these lengthy downs eased up for you? I'm still very hopeful that I just need to be patient a little while longer but feeling as I do today is so dispiriting!

I do appreciate your support and the wisdom of your experience.



11-10-11, 20:08
Hello fellow anxious Canadian!

It's been a couple of weeks since I last reached out for advice and support.

I stuck it out through the relatively long blip and have come out the other side. I've had a great past week and bit with only a few minor blips here and there. It's been just over 6 weeks at 10mg and I seem to have turned a corner. Feeling hopeful and excited about the future, super productive at work, was fine all weekend while my husband was away and am generally feeling good all around. One of my thanksgiving dinner guests mentioned he's on cipralex and has all the same good things to say about it as you've noted. A few ups and downs here and there but able to more than manage them without feeling like he's "on drugs". He says he just feels like himself again and I'd have to agree with that.

Thanks so much for your continuing advice and support. I'd like to reiterate what others have said about your daily log/posts along your cipralex journey. Very, very helpful during the low moments and encouraging along my journey.

I hope everyone who has doubts or concerns about going on or continuing past the first few weeks of new meds finds support and encouragement from your posts as I did.



12-10-11, 14:45
Hi JMac,

I am so glad you are getting through the hard spots. Good on you, remember that the battle you are facing is all you! So getting through it is your hard work that is coming to fruition. So good on you! Keep positive and you will continue to improve and get back to yourself.

I really encourage others to post here, it is very encouraging to hear positives and it is helpful to assist those in need. So post if you need help or want to give help (kinda a mission statement) we all benefit from it.

Take care and talk soon