View Full Version : Has anyone felt like this whilst taking St Johns Wort?

26-09-11, 02:31
Hi all, for several months from last july I was having several panic attacks a weeks. They started with that andreniline surge then my breathing would go rapid and I would feel I couldnt breathe. 3 weeks ago I started on the St Johns wort and now I''ve found that the adreniline rush I use to get has gone? Ive just woken up 'overthinking' again and I thought I was going to start again with an attack, but only my hearbeat got a bit rapid, no andrneline and managed to calm down very quickly whist not going into an attack. I have not feltany of that adrenilin since starting to take these tablets and is wondering if people has had the same experiance whilst on them?? whilst obviously I dont want a panic attack it worried me that I wasnt iukwim ? lol

Thanks you , Pauline xx

26-09-11, 15:36

I would stop looking for comparisons. If these work then keep on taking them as long as you are not taking them with any other medications. Tablets and Homeopathy can work with many people and not with others. What we are suffering with is in our head.

I am really pleased these are working for you. Keep taking them and enjoy the new you, or old you, whichever you prefer.

For the excess thinking take a look at this website it worked for me.
Dont skip it just watch the videos on the site before you leave.

What I would say is try the free 10 minutes sessions and then PM me as there are other free ways to learn the skill.


26-09-11, 19:08
Thats a very good site there, that type of meditation is exactly what I do when I am going through a rough patch. Its just so calming to have that 10 minutes of freedom everyday <3

27-09-11, 17:12
Thanks very much for your responce , will have a look at that site later when DH is out and kids in bed :) xxx

eight days a week
27-09-11, 17:59
Many thanks Meewah I'll take a look at that site!

27-09-11, 23:10
wow really? i think i may try this!
I know exactly what you are talking about and i also hate the crazy panic attack feeling! I'll let you know how it goes =)
do they sell it at pharmacies or at health shops?? x

27-09-11, 23:34
I'm a big believer in Herbal tablets - especially St. Johns Wort. I feel for me that it allows me to wake up in a better state of mind and that the pain (head ahces, shoulder pain etc) isn't as bad when I'm getting out of bed. It could just be a placebo effect but I'm happy that something's working.

You may also want to try Valerian. This is good for anxiety and can also help you calm down before bed time.

Hanna - I always buy mine from Holland and Barrett. Pretty much everytime I go in there it's half price- added bonus!

04-10-11, 21:24
Hey I went to Holland Barett and I decided on getting Kalms instead!
I started taking it 5 days ago, but apppparently it takes two or so weeks to actually come into effect, so yeh nothing has really changed so far lol!
It said take 6 a day! which is a lottt and i keep forgetting!
I'll let you know how that is as well! xxx