View Full Version : Menopause Blues?

26-09-11, 14:13
Has anyone here got experience of coping with HA during the menopause? I thought I'd finally kicked HA but it doesn't look like it now. I'm 53 and the menopause is just kicking in - rather late, which is making me worried in itself, due to increased possiblity of breast cancer etc. I'm so much nervier & I'm finding it so much harder to stick to my CBT techniques which helped so much before.
Also I'm in the middle of a flare-up of IBS - that can be made worse by the menopause can't it?
I'm so fed up with myself! Any advice & any "me too"'s would be so welcome. I'm feeling very alone at the moment.

26-09-11, 14:27
Hi, Ive been through the menopause and thought I was going crazy with so many weird symptoms. It was at that time when I first had an experience of HA which lasted about 8 months until hormone tests were done and I was reassured that it was peri meno.. after that I coped better with all of the symptoms.. Post meno started off not too badly but then my second episode of HA started up. I was told that it takes some women longer for things to settle.

26-09-11, 14:43
Me too!!!! I'm 48, and am just postmenopausal, so mine is a bit early. I've had to resort to ad's again because my whole life was disintegrating, and ruled by anxiety. I would say that the menopause exacerbates every little problem that we might have had, and blows it out of all proportion. I suppose the fact that we are not prepared for the ferocity of it's hold on us doesn't help... my biggest issue is.. what's down to menopause and what's just HA? I've read that 53 is a "normal" age to reach menopause.
Anyway, welcome to the exclusive club that is Menopausal Maniacs :)

miss polly
26-09-11, 15:30
I'm in perimenopause, age 50 and I'm suffering terribly from HA. My life is quite frankly hell at the moment. I'm in a constant state of high anxiety just a fraction away from full blown terror. I'm convinced I have several undiagnosed conditions and I'm on my last legs.
Today a bowel screening envelope came through the post for me and since one of my fears is bowel cancer it feels like it's an omen. Although I suffer from HA I hardly ever visit the doctor's ~ too terrified in case my fears prove to be correct. I don't think I have the courage to do the bowel screen test as waiting for the result would send my anxiety levels through the roof.
I've had HA/general anxiety
for many years (some periods worse than others) but this is the worst I've ever been and can only put it down to coming up for the menopause. I just don't feel at all like myself anymore :shrug:

macc noodle
26-09-11, 18:45

We are an increasing group on here it would appear!!!

I had been living with my anxiety for a good many years with it under control and not controlling me !

About 3 years ago, it hit me like a train - absolutely floored me and I was convinced I was dying I felt so ill! The doc ran some tests and said perimenopause was the culprit!

My HA and panic went thru the roof, as did my abject fear of docs and tests - so not only was i convince i was dying, i was too scared to seek medical help to address the problem.

Anyway, am now undertaking CBT which has been an arduous journey during which there have been highs and lows !!!

Yes this hormone thing is to blame for the upsurge in my anxieties and I just wish that there was more available to women like us who are already managing mental health issues when we reach this glorious age!

I can honestly say that I have never ever known such utter anxiety and despair in all the years that I have had anxiety - this last 3 years has been a revelation and not of the enjoyable kind!!!

But now I am feeling the right side of it all - that is the good news - the anxiety levels are falling but the physical symptoms of the hormone levels are increasing so off to the health food store for me tomorrow to find some new magical health supplement to ease these aching joints and to give me some energy !!!!

Macc Noodle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-09-11, 19:10
Me too! I'm 51 and my HA had been under control for 10 years but this last 10 months it has come back with a vengeance. You hear a lot about teenage hormones causing havoc but no one tells you about this.

26-09-11, 19:26
Hey there
All I can say is I agree with all of the above.We have spoken before about the need for a specific group for women of our ( excellent and wise) age. Somehow the only thing we r warned about is hot flushes..and even then it's a bit of a joke. But this ain't funny!! I have lived with anxiety for ages,keeping it under control for the most part..but this is a new level
I'm not saying anything you all haven't already said..it helps to know it's not just me!!
Also..while I'm on..other women seem not to talk about it..as if it's just another of those things we have to put up with!!


26-09-11, 19:37
Hi add me to the menopause group. I'm 56 and cycles stopped at 45.
I also have HA. Nice to meet others in the same age and female time.

26-09-11, 19:37
Hello Ladies,

Yes, I too found myself in the grip of increased anxiety and moderate depression (which is new to me) in the past few months. I had been experiencing frequent hot flashes and very sporadic periods for the past couple of years and then whomp! this past May, I relapsed with panic disorder and agoraphobia that I'd not had problems with for the past 12 years!

It's a heck of a rollercoaster - sometimes I don't know whether to panic, cry or yell. I try to remind myself always to breathe which helps but I have started ADs as well to manage the symptoms. I'm only 4 weeks into the starting therapeutic dose and so while still not 100% better it is helping and the bad days are easing.

I read the list of 34 peri-menopausal symptoms at power.surge.com and checked off 28 of them so, yeah, I'd say I'm pretty much in it. Turning 50 in November. It all makes sense.

Seems like this is a big club!


26-09-11, 19:49
don't post on here very often but saw this thread & just had to reply! I started with peri symptoms at 41, I am now 48 & haven't had a period for 2 years so am now meno.
I also have a long history of anxiety especially health anxiety so I found peri very scary & have had a lot of different symptoms from hot flushes, depersonalisation, dizziness, panic attacks, internal vibrating, loss of confidence, exhaustion, palpitations etc etc!
I know those symptoms just look like plain old anxiety stuff but I just think peri / meno magnifies what's already there as I had my anxiety pretty much under control but when I hit peri it just became uncontrollable & overwhelming. eventually I ended up with nervous exhaustion although the doctor called it CFS / ME.
I am also a member on Powersurge & the support I got on there was amazing & got me through some really tough times. It really annoys me when they list meno symptoms as 'hot flushes, loss of sex drive & irritability'! It's much more than that for many women!
Yes, there are a lot of women who are in denial-I have a friend who says she gets really hot at night & throws the duvet off but then gets cold & I tell her 'yes-those are classic hot flushes' but because she's still having regular periods she says it's not peri!! It's nothing to be ashamed of!
I would love to see a seperate group / thread on here for meno women because it is a very difficult stage for some women & we can be like a mini Powersurge & support each other!
BTW-I'm much, much better now-meno etc forced me to change my lifestyle & how I handle lifes pressures etc & I am now much calmer & cope with lifes problems in a much healthier way.
Sorry this is so long! Be interested to see if anything comes of the thread suggestion.
Seffie x

---------- Post added at 19:49 ---------- Previous post was at 19:45 ----------

Agingwuss-do you feel less alone now?!:hugs:

26-09-11, 19:49
Maybe we can at least meet in chat to talk too.
I'm making a note of everyone in this female age time in case I see you there.

26-09-11, 20:41
I'm in for a meno support thread!

26-09-11, 20:46
Yes, a female HA meno. thread. :)

26-09-11, 20:54
Anyone know how we do this..I'm not very technical!! Do we just keep this thread going!
It's a great idea

26-09-11, 21:20
Its a relief in a way to know that there are many more ladies out there with similar symptoms to myself.Post meno, I was told by medics,..is when you will feel so much better when all the flushes, and other things subside. :huh:.. I still go through episodes of hot flushes, racing mind, irritability, anxiety and oh the neck and shoulder tension is rough ..The big thing was though that changing hormones changed me!! Its when HA started..

26-09-11, 21:25
I'm in perimenopause, age 50 and I'm suffering terribly from HA. My life is quite frankly hell at the moment. I'm in a constant state of high anxiety just a fraction away from full blown terror. I'm convinced I have several undiagnosed conditions and I'm on my last legs.
Today a bowel screening envelope came through the post for me and since one of my fears is bowel cancer it feels like it's an omen. Although I suffer from HA I hardly ever visit the doctor's ~ too terrified in case my fears prove to be correct. I don't think I have the courage to do the bowel screen test as waiting for the result would send my anxiety levels through the roof.
I've had HA/general anxiety
for many years (some periods worse than others) but this is the worst I've ever been and can only put it down to coming up for the menopause. I just don't feel at all like myself anymore :shrug:

:scared11: i could have written this going through the same thing :weep:

26-09-11, 21:42
I read in one of my menopause books, that our personality actually changes post menopause... so in effect we become a new and improved woman!!! :)

---------- Post added at 21:42 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

Zee, all I can say is many doctor's don't have a clue what they're going on about :(

26-09-11, 21:44
I read in one of my menopause books, that our personality actually changes post menopause... so in effect we become a new and improved woman!!! :)

---------- Post added at 21:42 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

Zee, all I can say is many doctor's don't have a clue what they're going on about :(

I totally agree with that kibbutz.. Im still waiting to be a new and improved woman:)

26-09-11, 21:52
It's not just male doc's either... a lot of female gp's totally underplay how horrific it can be. It's not as if they are lying to us, it's just that they choose not to inform us...

26-09-11, 22:18
I noticed in chat there is a place to have a room to talk. Create a room. If we could pick a time to go to chat we might be able to gather there.

26-09-11, 22:30
Hi, I need to join this thread too. Im 52 and in peri. Thank god it is that cos I thought I was not only going mad but terminally ill too:ohmy:

27-09-11, 06:38
Wow! I'm so glad I posted here - I still feel rotten but my God, I don't feel so alone.
And you can't IMAGINE how much that helps!
Well. actually - I bet you can! :flowers:
I love the idea that after all this s***, I'm going to be a 'new & improved woman' - becca 2.0!

27-09-11, 07:06

this subject really interests me at the moment because my anxiety has shot through the roof over the last few months and I've wondered whether it was because I could be pre menopausal, I mentioned it to my doctor but he said I was far too young - I'm 45 in November but I've read that some people can have symptoms for as long as 5 years before actual menopause.

I'm going to ask my gp for some tests as I think that if I at least could blame the HA on something it would help a great deal.

27-09-11, 12:41
It really annoys me when people-especially doctors!-say that you are too young! :mad:
You don't just go from normal at 50 to menopausal at 51 'because that's the average age'!

As I understand it - & believe me I've done a lot of research into meno stuff - it is normal to become menopausal (no periods) anytime between 45 & 55. Anything before that is early or after is late.
Menopausal means no periods for a year if you are 50+ or 2 years if you are under 50-just to be sure!
You can start peri up to 10 years before your periods stop completely. Why don't doctors know this stuff?!
So I became menopausal at 48 but have been having symptoms since I was 41.
Would love to have our own little community on here to share & support each other because I really think that having health anxiety made some of my peri symptoms worse than they would have been without HA.
I am also grateful to it because it forced me to change & now my HA is better than it was, I have a more normal reaction to scary symptoms etc although am still prone to anxiety stuff at times!
Seffie x

27-09-11, 14:23
I agree that docs very often miss what is going on because they think women are " too young"..I first saw GP in mid forties with several symptoms including occassional flushes.Instinct told me I was heading into peri meno but the doc said way too young..About 6 months down the line I insisted on a hormone test and the doc admitted that he was very surprised to find I was well into peri..As im now post meno..I saw GP 18 months ago with symptoms which had been going on..flushes, anxiety, lightheadedness, ear droning...just like I had in peri...I was told cant be hormones because you dont have any !! I beg to differ..!!..Yes we do have hormones after meno..just less of certain ones which often get imbalances..:doh:

27-09-11, 14:34
Hi Seffie and Zee (and everyone else who's suffering)... I am seething!!! At least 3 gp's told me the same thing!!!!! "You're too young to be menopausal". Not even a b***** mention of perimenopause!!!! ARGHHHHHH is all I can say. The only way I discovered about peri and it's symptoms was by going to the library... I was like you Seffie, symptoms began at 41, and I've been "period free" for about a year and I'm now 48. You can be sure that if menopause was a male thing, there would be a damn site more information and support!!!!!!! :(

27-09-11, 14:40
Have you noticed as well how little information there is on net or books about post menopause.. ?? Anything ive read keeps going on about how its a new lease of life after things settle in couple years.!! Makes me want to laugh out loud.:roflmao:These things are obviously not written by the women who have experienced it.

27-09-11, 15:07
I have an apintment with my GP next i am fed up of feeling cr*p this indigestion is driving me up the wall i have never in my life suffered with it :weep: i still take the pill the mini pill i had a breakthrough bleed in may because the dr's couldn't me in for my pills :mad: the week before my sons wedding i was livid ! i cry at the drop of a hat i am moody,i never sleep, the list goes on oh and a new one now is thrush :blush:

Do any of you take any vits or anything to help with symptoms ?

I don't know if i'm coming or going am i going through menopause ? how do i tell if i still take the pill anyone else on the pill at 51 ?

27-09-11, 17:53
Hi Haz, I take a good quality multi-vit, plus a B complex (I tend to need at least 50mgs a day of b vits). You could also try taking magnesium/calcium, also good for the nervous system.
Not sure about mini pill, some doctor's give it to menopausal women to regulate hormones... personally I would probably come off it for a while and see what happens :)
ps the only way I get any sleep these days is with zopiclone :( Take care x

macc noodle
27-09-11, 17:57
Hi Haz, I take a good quality multi-vit, plus a B complex (I tend to need at least 50mgs a day of b vits). You could also try taking magnesium/calcium, also good for the nervous system.
Not sure about mini pill, some doctor's give it to menopausal women to regulate hormones... personally I would probably come off it for a while and see what happens :)
ps the only way I get any sleep these days is with zopiclone :( Take care x

Someone recommended fishoil tabs and glucosamine tabs - but you should reference your existing meds just to make sure that they do not affect them.

I am off to the vitamin shops tomorrow - so if you hear of a lorry load of vits making its way up the M6 -they will be for me :roflmao:

I am loving this sisterhood - glad to know there are plenty of us around :yesyes:

27-09-11, 18:20
Hi all
I was recommended menopace. (sp?) boots sell it but it's expensive. I do a multi vit and vit b. But Friday is pay day so gonna buy some menopace.
This thread is great..I look for it every day now.
I am also talking to (at!?)colleagues about their experiences..everybody complains about lack of real information and lack of understanding from docs.

Great to share and learn here tho
I'm still waiting for the new woman to emerge ,butterfly like, from this anxiety/hormonal cocoon


28-09-11, 07:03
I'm looking at this thread everyday, too.
Really helpful to hear other people's experiences - and the advice about vitamins/supplements is just the sort of info I needed.
Thanks guys!

28-09-11, 14:29
When I was going through peri meno what helped me most was a Multi Vitamin/mineral, increasing my fruit and veg intake and a daily probiotic...simple things which helped me and also was my chosen alternative to taking the HRT my GP was trying to coax me into.

28-09-11, 17:43
Hi girls! I take Menopace as it's a good all round multi vitamin / mineral with soya isoflavones but when the hot flushes are particularly bad I take additional soya isoflavones & although it doesn't get rid of them completely it does make them less intense. Haven't tried any of the herbs but heard that Holland & Barretts Flashfighters works OK. Most people find that the herbs work for a while & then seem to stop working so best to take for a while then stop for a while. I have a couple of friends who swear by the Ladycare magnet, I tried it but felt nauseous so stopped using it.
I think common sense lifestyle changes help most symptoms, for example:
* good sleep habits - routine, warm milk, relaxing before bedtime, lavender etc
* healthy balanced diet-not too much sugar or processed foods 80/20 rule of eating
* alcohol in moderation
* reduce stress-sometimes this can be difficult because many of us are juggling looking after children, ageing parents, working, running a home etc but I found by changing my 'perception' of difficult situations I was able to feel less stressed & overwhelmed, I used to feel exhausted because I saw everyday tasks as overwhelming but now I just foucus on one job at a time & tell myself 'this is easy & do-able'.
* make time for yourself-I think many of us find this difficult so my therapist told me to start evey day with a list of 'wants' & 'needs'. I start with a 'want' & then alternate between the 2 lists so that not only do I get my jobs done but I also get to do stuff for me as well, even if it's just reading a magazine for 30 mins or having a bath. I prioritise the list so that if I don't do every 'need' on the list it doesn't matter & I just let it go. This stops you feeling resentful & stressed which obviously helps prevent hot flushes & stress related anxiety.
A really brilliant book is 'The Wisdom of Menopause' by Dr Christiane Northrup. Wish I'd had this at the start of peri, there is loads of info & advice on everything to do with this stage of a womans life, it can be a little alternative in parts but mostly it is great advice from a woman who has been there.
Hope some of this helps :)
Seffie x

28-09-11, 20:42
Hi girls, apparently sage tea or tincture is really good for hot flushes... I agree that reading about menopause is invaluable, as forewarned is forearmed x

29-09-11, 11:32
Hi all, I have been taking Tescos 'complete multivitamins for menopause' at just under £4 a lot cheaper than Menopace as it's 3 for 2 I also got evening primrose and glucosamine. Not sure it's working yet but only just started hope it will settle the night sweats and general aches and pains I have every morning. x

29-09-11, 14:33
Hi all,im 45 and i started with full blown anxiety/insomnia out of the blue last November and now have ;depression,irregular periods,memory loss,disorientation,joint pains,am always very hot or freezing cold etc etc so im assuming i am in Peri-menopause but as mentioned before health professionals have said to me,'im a bit young'...
There seems to be a lot of us ladies struggling with the peri/menopause out there with very little help,info and support.
Its like we are made to feel ashamed for going through this period/these symptoms in our life....
At least on this site i dont feel so alone,thanks to you all for sharing information,tips etc

29-09-11, 20:29
Hi all, I have been taking Tescos 'complete multivitamins for menopause' at just under £4 a lot cheaper than Menopace as it's 3 for 2 I also got evening primrose and glucosamine. Not sure it's working yet but only just started hope it will settle the night sweats and general aches and pains I have every morning. x

I take vitamin D for the aches & pains & I hardly get any now-I'm sure it's that that has helped. It's good for the immune system as well.

The Wisdom of Menopause book is good for telling you what supplements are helpful for peri / meno but you should also eat well & just use these to top up your nutrients-says she sat at the computer eating chocolate raisins....:winks:

I don't want to sound all new-agey but for me, it was like peri made me sit up & look at my life & my emotional & physical health. It was like my body was telling me that I needed to make some changes in order for me to feel better again. I always used to find that if I was stressed or tired my pms would be worse but if all was going well & I was happy & eating well etc it was easier. So I think that maybe this stage of your lfe is for taking stock & looking at every area of your life then making any changes that you feel are necessary in order to bring balance back, if there are things that you can't change then change your attitude towards those things-our attitude is the one thing that we do have control over.
Vitamins & herbs are just one part of it but if you're getting stressed at work or feeling overwhelmed by the demands of family & home then the supplements won't make any difference. Try treating yourself holistically.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm lecturing but after 7 years of peri / meno & suffering a wide range of symptoms I just want to share what has worked for me.
The lack of support both medical & emotional is terrible-I can't believe that there's so little help available. I know more about the menopause than my doctors including female ones!
You have to educate yourself & use support websites like Powersurge.
Hope this helps a little.

29-09-11, 21:02
Hi girls, apparently sage tea or tincture is really good for hot flushes... I agree that reading about menopause is invaluable, as forewarned is forearmed x

I remember that one of my family used Sage tea for her very bad hot flushes and it helped a lot.

29-09-11, 22:20
Well said Seffie! That's all so true x

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ----------

It works Zee, but it tastes pretty foul... worth it though if the flushes are really bad :)

01-10-11, 21:35
Wandering how many of you experience muscle tension with menopause/post meno?

01-10-11, 22:32
I have tension, but I think more of the anxiety

02-10-11, 07:24
Hi all,
As mentioned on this thread previously,what worrys me is that are my dreadful,crippling symptoms down to the Peri-Menopause or anxiety or something else :weep:...or maybe im worried due to health anxiety?
Im trying to think positive and be grateful for what ive got,but its hard....
Thanks for all the info and experiences provided here,it is a big help.
Lots of hugs and support to you all :hugs:
P.S.Heres an idea/dream i had,how about a retreat/health spa/farm where us menopausal ladies could go for up to a year or so to get health advice,nice food and rest and relaxation/shared support.....just a thought/dream....:bighug1:

02-10-11, 09:13
Hi Abby
If/wen I win the lottery I will set up that retreat..what a great idea!


03-10-11, 21:46
P.S.Heres an idea/dream i had,how about a retreat/health spa/farm where us menopausal ladies could go for up to a year or so to get health advice,nice food and rest and relaxation/shared support.....just a thought/dream....:bighug1:
Hi Abby-had to reply to this! Afew years ago on Powersurge we were talking about this 'menopause retreat / sanctuary' & we fantasised in great detail about the treatments & support we would get, the beautiful surroundings & amazing food etc etc!!
I know exactly where you're coming from....!

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:31 ----------

Hi all,
As mentioned on this thread previously,what worrys me is that are my dreadful,crippling symptoms down to the Peri-Menopause or anxiety or something else :weep:...or maybe im worried due to health anxiety?
Im trying to think positive and be grateful for what ive got,but its hard....

All I can say is that I had the same experience-I didn't know what was causing my symptoms & it drove me crazy not knowing if it was peri, anxiety or there really was something wrong with me-I also had health anxiety.
So, I checked my symptoms with a doctor & when they weren't overly concerned I did a lifestyle overhaul-diet, supplements, exercise, meditation & relaxation, relationships, sleep, challenged negative thoughts etc etc & it helped. Still have difficult days but much, much better than it was. Don't focus on individual symptoms-look at the bigger picture.
As long as you've been checked by a dr & all OK then you need to take action & do everything you can to feel better or at least make your symptoms easier to cope with. If you can, buy the Wisdom of Menopause-it's brilliant & is sensible, advice for mid-life women whatever stage of the menopause you're at. Take a look at Powersurge too-women on there are amazing & very supportive.
It does get better!
Seffie x

04-10-11, 09:04
I take vitamin D for the aches & pains & I hardly get any now-I'm sure it's that that has helped. It's good for the immune system as well.

The Wisdom of Menopause book is good for telling you what supplements are helpful for peri / meno but you should also eat well & just use these to top up your nutrients-says she sat at the computer eating chocolate raisins....:winks:

I don't want to sound all new-agey but for me, it was like peri made me sit up & look at my life & my emotional & physical health. It was like my body was telling me that I needed to make some changes in order for me to feel better again. I always used to find that if I was stressed or tired my pms would be worse but if all was going well & I was happy & eating well etc it was easier. So I think that maybe this stage of your lfe is for taking stock & looking at every area of your life then making any changes that you feel are necessary in order to bring balance back, if there are things that you can't change then change your attitude towards those things-our attitude is the one thing that we do have control over.
Vitamins & herbs are just one part of it but if you're getting stressed at work or feeling overwhelmed by the demands of family & home then the supplements won't make any difference. Try treating yourself holistically.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm lecturing but after 7 years of peri / meno & suffering a wide range of symptoms I just want to share what has worked for me.
The lack of support both medical & emotional is terrible-I can't believe that there's so little help available. I know more about the menopause than my doctors including female ones!
You have to educate yourself & use support websites like Powersurge.
Hope this helps a little.

can i say what a fantastic lady you are and please please continue your input - you have loads of wisdom throught your experience - and wise advise and tips - you've made my day coming from a real black hole - and i shall be looking at this site every day from here on in thankyou thankyou thankyou from the bottom of my heart :bighug1:
It is so fantastic – well not really it’s actually more like hell – what I mean is I too at age 55 have been suffering from anxiety depression, and been treated as such – but it’s obvious having read all these posts that the unbearable anxiety peaks were actually being magnified a zillion times by menopause – but why oh why do not our health pro’s get it
My own grandmother went missing for a week and was eventually found miles from home dressed just in her nightie – now ok surely to g*d we’ve moved on since then – but really – have we – I’d love to join a chat group and yes I too googled and found that fantastic power surge web site – thank god for sites like this girls

I’m worried though – I’ve been off work for 3 months already – doc changed meds from citalopram to mirtazapine , but STILL the morning anxiety has me in its grip and it’s just so crap – all I want is to feel normal again , but from where I am here I wonder if I will ever ever feel normal again

Help – any advice or hugs or tips?
It is so fantastic – well not really it’s actually more like hell – what I mean is I too at age 55 have been suffering from anxiety depression, and been treated as such – but it’s obvious having read all these posts that the unbearable anxiety peaks were actually being magnified a zillion times by menopause – but why oh why do not our health pro’s get it
My own grandmother went missing for a week and was eventually found miles from home dressed just in her nightie – now ok surely to g*d we’ve moved on since then – but really – have we – I’d love to join a chat group and yes I too googled and found that fantastic power surge web site – thank god for sites like this girls

I’m worried though – I’ve been off work for 3 months already – doc changed meds from citalopram to mirtazapine , but STILL the morning anxiety has me in its grip and it’s just so crap – all I want is to feel normal again , but from where I am here I wonder if I will ever ever feel normal again

Help – any advice or hugs or tips?

06-10-11, 10:35
All I can say is that I had the same experience-I didn't know what was causing my symptoms & it drove me crazy not knowing if it was peri, anxiety or there really was something wrong with me-I also had health anxiety.
So, I checked my symptoms with a doctor & when they weren't overly concerned I did a lifestyle overhaul-diet, supplements, exercise, meditation & relaxation, relationships, sleep, challenged negative thoughts etc etc & it helped. Still have difficult days but much, much better than it was. Don't focus on individual symptoms-look at the bigger picture.
As long as you've been checked by a dr & all OK then you need to take action & do everything you can to feel better or at least make your symptoms easier to cope with. If you can, buy the Wisdom of Menopause-it's brilliant & is sensible, advice for mid-life women whatever stage of the menopause you're at. Take a look at Powersurge too-women on there are amazing & very supportive.
It does get better!
Seffie x[/QUOTE]
Hi Seffie,
Thanks ever so much for your reply,it has really helped me not to feel so alone,with these dreadful symptoms.
Im amazed how many of us women are struggling with the Pre/Menopause there are (on here) and its shocking how little help/info we recieve from the mainstream medical profession.
Ive recently changed my diet,i dont eat cakes,sweets,biscuits and cut out alcohol to see if that helps. I eat more seeds,nuts and fruit and take vitamins. Also ive booked a Yoga class,but whether i'll be able to walk through the door on my own is another matter!
I think the thing that worries me,is my dad was diagnosed with Schizophrenia in his forties,and im 45....so that doesnt help,especially having health anxiety....
I was thinking of buying the 'Wisdom of the Menopause' to be honest,but now i'll def get it,as it sounds like it will be helpful.
Im glad you are feeling better,Youve been brilliant and generous with sharing your experiences and info.
Thanks again for your help and support :bighug1:
P.S.Lets hope we get our retreat/health farm/spa one day.....:flowers:

06-10-11, 11:56
Ladies i have a new symptom this week itchy breasts they are driving me mad :blush: i'm 51 not sure if i'm going through menopause but i guess with all these symptoms i could be ! i can't sleep i wake up at 3am most morinings thinking i'm having a heart attack,or something else,i feel like i have been put into this living hell at the moment should i go and talk to my GP and ay what...
I can't sleep
itchy boobs
mood swings
cry at anything
pains everywhere
the list goes on.....!
What can she do for me?

06-10-11, 14:57
I used to have that too in peri meno Haz.

My main list of peri meno was
Severe muscle tension,,neck and shoulders
Head tremor 6 months
Digestive upsets
Food intolerances
Hot flushes and night sweats
Food cravings !

Now post meno I go through episodes of..

Hot flushes
Digestive discomfort
Muscle tension
Food intolerances..never went away

08-10-11, 10:52
can i say what a fantastic lady you are and please please continue your input - you have loads of wisdom throught your experience - and wise advise and tips - you've made my day coming from a real black hole - and i shall be looking at this site every day from here on in thankyou thankyou thankyou from the bottom of my heart :bighug1:

I’m worried though – I’ve been off work for 3 months already – doc changed meds from citalopram to mirtazapine , but STILL the morning anxiety has me in its grip and it’s just so crap – all I want is to feel normal again , but from where I am here I wonder if I will ever ever feel normal again

Help – any advice or hugs or tips?

Hi Bugrud,
thanks so much for your lovely post-I know how desperate I was for support when I was really going through it & just knowing that one other person knows what you're going through & has come out the other side can be really reassuring! Sorry I haven't replied before now but had a manic week working in the day & visiting schools in the evenings as my son is in year 6. Of course I coped with it by just being in the present moment & not stressing about what a busy week it was-not easy!!!! :D

I haven't had the morning anxiety so can't really advise re: that but I know that's extremely common with anxiety sufferers. I seem to remember that during the most difficult days I had a mantra 'just deal with this day, this hour, this minute, this moment now'. And that kind of helped me to stop worrying about the future or how long it would take me to get well because worry will just exacerbate symptoms & keep your body in a state of red alert which as we all know keeps anxiety going.

Have you ever looked in to mindfulness? It isn't easy to do but I have found it very useful at times of high anxiety. It is very much about being fully in the present eg: when you're walking down the road you focus on the clouds, the colour of the trees, the breeze on your face, your feet on the pavement etc. Also it teaches you that you are not your thoughts so at times of anxiety it teaches you to detach from those fearful thoughts & just observe them & not 'buy in to' what those thoughts are telling you because our thoughts aren't always the truth. It's not an easy concept but is great for helping you to feel calm. Lots of books on Amazon re: this. I think Jon Kabat-Zin is like the guru for this!

Stop wondering when you'll feel normal again-that just adds to the fear & anxiety, just trust that one day you will.

Oh-& here's a hug from someone who knows how tough this stage can be! :bighug1:

Seffie x

---------- Post added at 10:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 ----------

Hi Seffie,
Thanks ever so much for your reply,it has really helped me not to feel so alone,with these dreadful symptoms.
Im amazed how many of us women are struggling with the Pre/Menopause there are (on here) and its shocking how little help/info we recieve from the mainstream medical profession.
Ive recently changed my diet,i dont eat cakes,sweets,biscuits and cut out alcohol to see if that helps. I eat more seeds,nuts and fruit and take vitamins. Also ive booked a Yoga class,but whether i'll be able to walk through the door on my own is another matter!
I think the thing that worries me,is my dad was diagnosed with Schizophrenia in his forties,and im 45....so that doesnt help,especially having health anxiety....
I was thinking of buying the 'Wisdom of the Menopause' to be honest,but now i'll def get it,as it sounds like it will be helpful.
Im glad you are feeling better,Youve been brilliant and generous with sharing your experiences and info.
Thanks again for your help and support :bighug1:
P.S.Lets hope we get our retreat/health farm/spa one day.....:flowers:

Hi Abby,
you're welcome! Sounds like you're making some great changes that will no doubt help you to feel better. The Wisdom of Menopause is a great book but is rather thick so just read the sections that relate to what you're going through, I also underlined bits I found really helpful so that I could find them easily.
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Seffie x

On Powersurge they list the 34 symptoms of menopause so maybe it would be useful to list those here-not that we get ALL 34 symptoms of course!

08-10-11, 13:26
Hi Ladies,

I've been reading this thread, I'm in pre-menopause, I would like to join this goup please. I'm started at 38 years old, lots of hot flushes, I like the hot flushes when it was the winter, meant I was lovely and hot in the winter, when everyone else was wrapped up to keep warm. though didnt help in the summer. it dont help any with my depression, get double dose.


09-10-11, 07:12
It is so fantastic – well not really it’s actually more like hell – what I mean is I too at age 55 have been suffering from anxiety depression, and been treated as such – but it’s obvious having read all these posts that the unbearable anxiety peaks were actually being magnified a zillion times by menopause – but why oh why do not our health pro’s get it
My own grandmother went missing for a week and was eventually found miles from home dressed just in her nightie – now ok surely to g*d we’ve moved on since then – but really – have we – I’d love to join a chat group and yes I too googled and found that fantastic power surge web site – thank god for sites like this girls

I’m worried though – I’ve been off work for 3 months already – doc changed meds from citalopram to mirtazapine , but STILL the morning anxiety has me in its grip and it’s just so crap – all I want is to feel normal again , but from where I am here I wonder if I will ever ever feel normal again

Help – any advice or hugs or tips?[/QUOTE]
Hi there Bugrud,
I had to write to you,as unfortunatly,your post rang a bell with me.
The anxiety is unbearable isnt it and you cant explain how bad it is to someone who hasnt had it.
Mine started last November,with;Insomnia,high anxiety then other crippling symptoms happened as well such as;memory loss,disorientation and depression.
I feel a totally different person (most days i feel like im going mad) and my life has changed and not for the better.....like yourself i feel will i ever feel better again.
Sorry i cant be much help but i thought id let you know you arent alone,everyday is a struggle/battle isnt it?
All i can offer for advice is maybe take a high strength Vit B complex tablet(or and a good multi-vitamin),eat as healthily as you can and also i have a Soya Probiotic yoghurt everyday.
Take care and hugs :bighug1:

09-10-11, 08:28
Me too! I would like to join ans also list our ailments as I not sure whats anxiety, whats real and whats perimenapause! I am very fedup, confused and not me at all at the moment and sometimes feel it was best I wasn't here at all :(

My AF's all over the place and lately all the time :( probably not helping my state of mind. I haven't slept in weeks much and have headaches all the time...I dont usually suffer with headaches.

macc noodle
09-10-11, 08:40
Well girls, have given the Tesco Menopause Tabs a go !!! Two weeks in and not sure if they are making a difference, so am going to add a Vit B to the mix.

Thought long and hard about differences that can be made to my daily life to reduce the stress levels and look after myself a bit more, but with a busy home life and struggling business to run with hubby in this current economic climate, I have no choice but to toil on ...................... Have decided though that a treat a week would be a good start. So have booked a mini massage (can't stand the deep tissue ones) and a head massage for next Tuesday.

Keep on going ladies, it is all we can do :)

09-10-11, 16:42
Hi Girls,
for anyone suffering with hot flushes-I take Menopace & 1 soya isoflavone capsule a day but my hot flushes were getting bad again so I went to H & B & the asst said that the soya content in Menopace was negligible although it is a good multivit, so she advised me to double the soya isoflavone dose (as it suggests 2-3 capsules a day) & see how I got on. So after 2 weeks of this I can say that they are much better-less severe & much less frequent so worth a try. She also told me that sage is good for night sweats.
Seffie x

10-10-11, 01:12
Hi Ladies
Well I can see that I am in excellent company! I am 48 and suffering all of these symptons. I suffer anxiety etc and have for more years than I can mention. Like we dont' have enough to put up with this dreaded peri-menopause just gives us added ones or exascabates what we do have. I feel like i am going senile at times. My mind is so foggy and forgetful. Not to mention the hot sweats. Wouldnt be too bad if I was losing any weight when I had them lol but my doctor told me thats not the way it works, fantastic, we just can't cut a break lol.
Take care ladies and its great we can be here for each other to talk about it.
Power to the girls I say.

luv Tracy xx

10-10-11, 02:11
Nice to see others ladies to relate to. Just now need to get together in chat to talk more.

10-10-11, 04:15
I hope you don't mind me posting here, but I find the lack of knowledge about the menopause and the pre-menopause to be , to be shocking :( Why isn't there more research into this, why don't doctors know the basics?

It is hard being a woman, really,like there's puberty and then the menstrual cycle where your hormones go crazy for up to 2 weeks every month, then maybe pregnancy and then to top it off menopause!

No wonder more women suffer from anxiety, I do wonder how much of our anxiety is caused by our hormones.

01-06-12, 12:59
Abby - I'm back because "its" back - anxiety I mean - which is why i found you looking through my old posts to remind myself of my journey-
its just so supportive knowing my symptoms are "shared" even though its horrible
and reading the threads again reminded me of how easy it is to slip back into old habits of not looking after ourselves -
so thankyou all for your lovely help and advice - and i'm going to make sure i start the process all over again - slow down , challenge my negative thoughts , ask for help and share my worries - plus take all the herbal remedies I'm allowed
its that or go mad!!:hugs:thankyou

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

[QUOTE=macc noodle;881334]Ladies

We are an increasing group on here it would appear!!!

I had been living with my anxiety for a good many years with it under control and not controlling me !

Dear Macc

can you help me - what did help in the mornings when you woke with high anxiety - i'm on meds and herbs and lifestyle changes but any good tips just to divert my mind at 5 am when the anxiety train is hurtling towards me would help tremendously

ps - you just sharing your story and knowing you can see light at the end of the tunnel has helped me enormously today

thankyou thankyou thankyou:bighug1: