View Full Version : Recovering from panic

26-09-11, 15:12
Hi all,

I've suffered with panic attacks and severe stress for 18 months now. At times when it was really bad, I would be constantly convinced I was about to have a heart attack, and unable to see any light at the end of the tunnel. I was scared of drinking alcohol as that would intensify the panic the following day, but continued drinking as whilst I was under the effects I felt I could function normally again. I completely stopped drinking caffeine (even tea, my favourite thing), and became really insecure by myself or when I tried to relax, so made myself exhausted by being constantly on the go. Even things that are supposed to be a luxury like massages I was scared of having in case I started to panic.

I tried the self-help therapy, with fortnightly meetings with a counsellor, but, although this raised my awareness and understanding of what was going on, it didn't have any actualy effect on the anxiety itself. To be fair to the counsellor, I couldn't really engage in the programme and found the techniques a bit arbitrary.

My anxiety continued to deteriorate, and I was finding it very difficult to sleep, so was prescribed amotryptillin, I didn't take it though as I read the side effects and they put me off. I'm really glad I didn't take it now though as I've since found out it's a really outdated drug.

6 weeks ago, when I was at home with my parents, I went to our local GP practise as I was fed up with GP's in London and their conveyor belt attitude towards patients i.e get them in, hand them prescription, get them out - useless. I went to this doctor primarily for a check-up as I'd been suffering from indegestion, and had recently read a book where the main character gets indegestion just before having a heart attack, so obvs convinved myself this was happening to me. However, I also knew by that point that I was utterly fed-up of coping (or not) with panic, and decided I didn't want to cope anymore, I just didn't want to have it. The GP and I had a long discussion about my mood, the anxiety I was suffering, the reasons for this. I told her I had had an abortion not so long ago and it had really upset me - she actually gave me a hug and a tissue and said how sorry she was, incredible! And she suggested I start taking citalopram. I was definitely nervous and a bit reluctant, as there is still social stigma surrounding anti-depressants, but couldn't resist the opportunity to turn my life around and start living again.

The first pill I took was super-scary, the first couple of days I felt pretty fuzzy and detached. But I settled into them quite quickly, and haven't looked back once! Since I started taking this medecine I haven't had one single full blown panic attack, and have very rarely felt scared of having one. I still have days of anxiousness, and some symptoms (like scratching my head a lot - attractive), and am still pretty stressed out. I also think that the citalopram hasn't really kicked in to helping my mood yet, but then I probably haven't helped this by still drinking too much, and have also had a falling out with a close friend recently which has knocked me back. But even so, adjusting to life without panic again has been incredible, and I feel so much better equipped now to face stress, problems, scary situations - and be pro-active and make proper use of my time instead of wasting it worrying/panicking/getting drunk.

I hope that my experience can help people who are worried about taking citalopram, or are struggling with the initial side effects. My biggest skeleton in the closet atm is cutting down on the booze, as I know this isn't helping the drugs work their ful magic, unfortunately I find it difficult as it's such a part of my social life and lifestyle in general (we've always taken a 'continental' approach towards alcohol in my family). If anybody is having a similar experience it would be really interesting to hear from you.

Strength in numbers!

26-09-11, 15:15
Hi Vix86

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-09-11, 04:42
Hello, first of all its great to hear your feeling better. Here is the downside, medication for anxiety is the devil, its a quick fix, try and cut down on the citalopram and see what happens. Its can be damaging to your health to take these drugs forever. I would advise anybody with anxiety disorder to stay well away from medication as it is only covering up your problems. Untill you face them yourself its very rare to be completely cured.

Sorry if ive put you on a downer, i just wish Gps wouldnt just prescribe medication all the time. Its the not answer.