View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer...help, all the symptoms pointing to yes

26-09-11, 17:52
Hi guys,

Me again. I have a frequent urge to urinate (every 5 mins) around the end of my pill packet (about 3/4 days before the end) this has been happening every month. I also get a really horrible period-like cramping when I stand up and sometimes when I'm sitting also.

I have trouble with bowel movements (hard stools..eugh sorry) and pain when passing occasionaly.

I get pelvic pain (around ovary area) and constantly feel tired. I have also put on a little weight lately around my tummy/abdomen area but I do tend to snack alot.

I'm 22 years old and no family history of ovarian cancer or in fact any cancer. Except lung which was brought on by smoking.

Please help, driving myself crazy and I'm applying to be a teacher at the moment so I can't be like this and teach kids!

26-09-11, 18:03
Hey there,

I'm only 21 myself and I have pretty much the same symptoms as yours with the difference that I never took the pill, and the same cancer anxiety. In the last few days I've had a constant need to urinate (it's terrible at night, won't let me sleep properly) as well as abdominal pain and just generally feeling crappy.

It has been getting worse the more I obsess about having cancer or any other life-threatening illness.

What I'm going to do as soon as I have my insurance (hopefully soon) is trying to get a health check-up and try to cast my fears away.

Hope it goes better with you too! :hugs:

macc noodle
26-09-11, 18:26
The chance of either of you have ovarian cancer at such a young age is exceedingly remote!

I am 50 yrs old and for the past two years have dreaded this awful disease - I too have experienced all the symptoms of this so called "silent killer" - the fear and anxiety has taken me to the darkest place of my soul and left me there shivering and alone awaiting the day I would be told I was to die.

But, hey, guess what ????? I am still here and have had all the blood tests (including the CA125 test) and examinations and scan and I AM FINE! No ovarian cancer !!!

Mmmmm, but hang on a minute, Mr Health Anxiety still torments me with the symptoms and other ones too now - so what am I to do???? Well girls, I suggest that we can only do one thing - once we have been checked out by the docs and been given the all clear, we have to pack that worry in a large box and padlock it away and just get on with life!

You both appear to have HA and you do need to get a check up just to put your mind at rest and also to discuss with your GPs your fears and worries - and ask if you could be considered for CBT to try and help you overcome the worries.

Good luck gals.


26-09-11, 18:42
Just want to agree 100% with macc noodle. Get it checked out,that's what the nhs is for,and if you get the all clear,get that box out and try and lock your anxiety away.
I know it's really really hard..but it is possible. I've had little palpitations today which I could get stressed about.But I can also tell myself,you're heart is fine,you've had all the tests..And there is nothing sinister going on!
My age means these pallpd are probably to do with the menopause...grrrrr...but at least I can be a bit rational.
HA is awful and I'm not diminishing it one bit..but as I've said on here before we have a right to have our fears addressed by the docs. But then we have to believe what they tell us.
Good luck..go get it checked out x

26-09-11, 22:06
Hey, sounds a lot like endometriosis to me, which is annoying and painful but NOT life threatening in any way.

I had same symptoms as you, and that's what I had. Ask your Dr about it.

Good luck x

27-09-11, 08:48
Hey, sounds a lot like endometriosis to me, which is annoying and painful but NOT life threatening in any way.

I had same symptoms as you, and that's what I had. Ask your Dr about it.

Good luck x

Does that make you infertile? I'm scared to go docs in case it is bad plus I've never had a smear as only 22 and don't like the idea of that or a swab! I've heard many a horror story. Going to go docs on friday. Because I'm always there he never takes me seriously. Also what are the chances its my pill?

27-09-11, 09:53
Hi there GirlAfraid23, sorry to hear your worries,

Did you know that the combined contraceptive pill protects you against ovarian cancer?
Also the fact you are peeing more at the end of ur pill packet may suggest water retention, and hard stools a lack of fibre in ur diet, stress, or simply not drinking enough fluids.

This is more likely to be the case other than thinking you have ovarian cancer, I certainly wouldn't put u at high risk. I've been down this road to and convinced myself the same, I had all the symptoms for it 'apparently' but never had ovarian cancer! My suggestion to you is visit your GP or even call The Ovacome Support Service (0845 371 0554), a service for women concerned about ovarian cancer, i'm sure they will be able to help.

Take care xx