View Full Version : pregnancy update!

18-05-06, 14:15
just wanted to update you on my pregnancy!ive booked my 12 week scan today and its on the 6th june!so im excited about that!!!!!just over 2 weeks to wait!!really hate going to the hospital but i can actually say im excited about going this time!!!!i will let u know how it goes!take care luv mooxXx:D

18-05-06, 14:22
thats good news! will that be your first peek at baby? cant wait to hear how it goes ...take care xxx

jools xx

18-05-06, 14:34
How exciting!!!

Good luck for the scan. Glad you are feeling so good about it all! :D

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

18-05-06, 14:46
ooh Moo,how exciting!have a lovely peak at your baby-moo!!Moo!he he he!let us know how you get on!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

18-05-06, 14:53
Aww thats lovely Moo.

My Cousins baby is due 15th June & she was over the moon when she saw her first scan pic.


Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

18-05-06, 16:21
What an exciting time for you
Love Helen

18-05-06, 16:31
So happy for you.
You sound so excitied and a lot less scared.

enjoy it xxx

Hay x

marie ross
18-05-06, 16:38
Hi Moo

Thats brilliant, i cried my eyes out when i first saw the image of my little boy, it really is special when you have you first scan.
I'm excited for you. I know its still a bit early yet, but do you want to know what sex it is?? I did'nt so it was a lovely suprise when my son was born.

Take care.

Marie XXX

18-05-06, 17:35
thankyou so much 4 ur replys!
joolsukuk yes its my first scan!!im really excited!
maryrose lol baby moo!sounds kinda cute dont it!!
marie ross yeah when i go for my 20 week scan i do want to know what sex it is!im so impatient!!! thankyou all again for ur replies its really nice to have ppls support so thankyou!i will keep u informed!!!take care luv mooxXx

19-05-06, 05:23
How exciting for you...It's so nice to hear that you don't like Dr's but you are actually looking forward to this visit...good for you!!

Will you be able to find out what you're having...maybe not this scan, but at any point will they tell you? I was able to find out at my 18-20 week one.

Good Luck Moo,


19-05-06, 08:34
thanx tnt808 i have social anxiety so it is hard to go to the hospital but lately ive been goin out alot!so maybe this baby is my way foward!!!!!this is my 12 week scan so i wont find out the sex untill im 20 weeks!thanx 4 ue reply take care luv moo and baby moo!(new name 4 bump by maryrose!!)

16-06-06, 23:02
hi all sorry i havent updated this topic 4 you who wanted to know!!!ive been so busy (you know how it is!!)well i had my first scan on the 6th june !!all is ok the baby is fine but at first the midwife couldnt measure the baby as it was stood up!!!so i had to walk round the hostipal 4 half a hour to see if the baby had layed down to be measured!!!luckly it did and my due date is now 21st dec which makes me 13 weeks pregnant!so ive gone backwards!!!!!!i will keep you posted on any more news take care luv moo and baby mooxXx

16-06-06, 23:52
Nice, just in time for Xmas - perfect present, a little baby moo!!!:):)

Love Piglet xx

20-06-06, 14:32
lol thanx piglet!!!!!!!!! yeah cant fhink of a better present!!take care luv moo and baby mooxXx

20-06-06, 15:53
Aww thats so sweet Moo re your update wonderful xmas pressie for you as Piglet says.


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

20-06-06, 16:15
glad all is going to plan for you, keep us in the loop x

Hay x

20-06-06, 17:34
Aaaawwww the day after my birthday! Congratulations with your pregnany, I love babies! Also I'm planning on becoming a Midwife and I know a fair bit on pregnancy, labour and the development of the baby (blame Child Development, a subject I done at school).

Hope all goes well xx

Scooties Back

marie ross
20-06-06, 21:57
Hi Moo

Brilliant news!!! Glad everything is going well for you.

Take care.

Marie XXX

20-06-06, 22:01
Hi Moo,

What a lovevly christmas you'll have! I had a christmas day baby and its very special, though i have to say he'll be 15 this year and he now wishes his birthday was in June so he didnt have to wait all year for pressies lol!

take care

Coni x

23-06-06, 13:32
thankyou all 4 ur replyies!it means so much!ive just actually got bk from the dentist and i have a tooth infection:( ive got antibiotics to take but the dentist thinks i need root treatment but cant xray and investigate till after the baby is born!so hopefully it will calm down soon!!!tc all bye 4 now luv moo and baby mooxXx

23-06-06, 16:04
Glad the pregnancy is going well. Sorry to hear about you tooth probs

Take care



24-06-06, 20:20
cheers chuckle :D take care moo and baby mooxXx

25-06-06, 15:06
The poor thing will be called "baby moo" even after he/she is born now LOL


04-07-06, 09:23
pmsl!!!!! that prob true!!!!can u imagine telling someone in the street ur baby is called moo!!!!lol.oh just thought i wud tell u i got 4 my blood test today for the downs syndrome not looking forward to that!!!!oh well its gonna be done take care all thanx 4 ur replys.take care luv moo and baby mooxXx

06-07-06, 14:17
hi all.just a quick hello and to let u know i had my blood took and i also got to listen to the babys heartbeat!!!!!it was great!!!!!take care all luv moo and baby mooxXx

24-07-06, 11:53
hi all just to let u know my blood results came bk and the baby is low risk of spinda bifida and downs so thats good news!!!!!!i have my scan on 8th aug so i will find out the sex!!!!cant wait!!!!!!!!

24-07-06, 17:40
Aww I can remember it all so well!!!

It's lovely to hear you all excited - it is indeed a very exciting time.:D

Love Piglet xx

marie ross
25-07-06, 18:36
Hi Moo,

Brilliant news - The baby is going to be so big now, will it be one of those 3D scans?, i wish they had them when i was pregnant with my two - they look fantastic!!

Let us know how you get on!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

26-07-06, 10:24
thanx 4 ur reply piglet i am so excited!!!!!!
marie ross im afraid it wont be one of the 3d scans.im not sure if u have to pay 4 those or not????i dont even think our hospital owns one!!!i will let u know what im having!!!take care all moo and baby mooxXx