View Full Version : forgetting identity

26-09-11, 21:00
hey guys , iv had DP/DR 3 months.
I started celexa 20mg and went up to 30 mg and have noticed a huge improvement as before that I was right about ready to end it all , but that really has helped me a lot.
I am back at university back out with friends out meeting up with people etc.
I also dont have DR what I do have is this FEAR that I am losing my identity.
In my head I try and think about who i am and I dont know.
Well i do know but i freak myself out into thinking I dont.
Then I start to become really aware that im inside my head and I have an identity and Im someone and it really panics me.
i start to think about what a human is and it freaks me out ?
noone else would ever notice this is happening and everyone thinks i am fine but can anyone relate and give me any tips
id be so grateful!

Thank you

26-09-11, 21:52
Hi can I just say I could have written this word for word!this describes my thoughts at the moment.I have had extreme anxiety from may,this caused me to have what i can only describe as a breakdown.I did have a miscarriage in may,but for some reason I developed an obsession about vcjd......this is where im stuck now.my anxiety has calmed down but I feel I have been left with an uneasy empty feeling.my thoughts don't feel like they flow,I'm no longer care free.I wake up with a feeling of dread,wondering if I will forget myself today,or will this be the day my fears of this disease will come true....I feel I am no longer the person I was.

Hope it helps that there is someone out there who feels the same.are u on any. meds?I am on mirtazapine 30mg.I'm hoping it kicks in soon to help me x x