View Full Version : Advice sought from friendly ears

27-09-11, 08:37
Hi all,

About 15 weeks ago I started showing symptoms of a very nasty neurological illness (vcjd) however thankfully the Dr diagnosed me with Anxiety. Initially my symptoms were quite bad- very low mood, scared to be alone, memory problems when talking. However they stabilized once my meds took ahold.

Over the last few weeks my anxiety had not improved but my physical condition had certainly balanced out- I was not any worse, so I started to leave the fallacy about vcjd behind me.

However, i am waiting for a neurologist appt on 28/10 and that has been playing on my mind, I mentioned in an earlier post that I repeatedly attempt the tandem walk (which I can now do forwards and backwards) and the romberg test, as well as finger to nose and heel to shin. The waiting is really driving my OCD nuts. I'm also moving depts at work and am tonight working a nt shift for the first time in a very long time.

This week I have noticed that the tingling I was feeling in my hands before has returned but it's now more constant, it's more like pins and needles rather than just buzzing and it has lasted 30 hrs approx now. I know pins and needles are normally attributed to circulation or anxiety but a lot of the info on the net attributes it to panic attacks rather than prolonged ha. Has anyone else experienced this?

Also the muscle twitching has returned with a vengeance, mainly my left arm but also both thighs and calves and my fingers... All day one muscle or another is twitching, can intense bouts of twitching still be put down to ax?