View Full Version : Spots!!!! Adult acne:-(

27-09-11, 10:15
I suffer with adult acne, I can random 2-3 spots but they always swell up nasty and last weeks, like big hard lumps.

Last week 2 were infected as they kept weeping yellow fluid from them if I knocked the heads, they dont always get heads on them.

I use Zineryt lotion from GP on them and it worked well, but obviously doesn't keep my skin from breaking out, just controls them if they appear. I always have a few on the go. Last week GP gave me fusidic acid as 2 were infected and it worked great. I woke up this morning with a nasty red one on the side of my nose that really hurts and is swollen in the area around, i look like I have a fat nose now, lol!

GP said there is little point in trying oral antibiotics as last time they did (Lymecyline) it flared up my IBS and stomach acid so he doesn't want to try anymore as I am very sensitive to them. The only one I am fine with is AMoxicillin and he said that is useless for skin conditions

Does anyone else suffer like this? I have had a bad 12 months with them and I am 32 now. My mum suffers like me also.

I saw GP last night and feel I walked away with no help:-( He just said all I can do is carry on with the Zineryt, but that does not help me anymore. I have tried a few topical lotions and Zineryt was the only one that worked and suited me, anything with Benzol Peroxide just burnt my skin.

I am just worried why the area is all puffed out arround it, I look like someone has clacked me on the nose, lol! My husband says it is normal for the area around a spot to swell as it is just fighting the infection.

27-09-11, 13:07
I've battled with acne forever. I'm 23, and I had my first pimple when I was 8! I was so embarrassed. I've been through every treatment short of accutane, so I know how you feel. It is so frustrating. I was on antibiotics for 2 years and it really did not do anything except mess with my stomach. I've also tried benzol peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, retin a, etc. All dried me out even though I have oily skin. I still suffer from acne, but the only thing that kind of helped was being on the birth control pill. I do get zits, and big ones, but don't get nearly as many of the cystic acne like those huge ones you describe that get infected. Have you tried that?

27-09-11, 14:44
Yes, the pill made me worse so now my GP won't try me on a different one.

It is a nightmare isn't it:-(

27-09-11, 14:46
It really is. The worst for me was breakouts on my back. Talk about embarrassing when you have to wear a dress or bathing suit. At least you can wear makeup on your face, even if it doesn't cover the big ones too well.

27-09-11, 15:50
I can't wear make up as it just makes my skin worse so I am stuck with them on my face. I have them on my chest lately too.

27-09-11, 18:57
Have you tried mineral foundations? That's the only kind I use, it's very light. I used to use a brand neutrogena would make, it was "Skin Clearing" and that was decent but not great.

27-09-11, 21:41
It's horrible, isn't it?:mad::mad:
I hate to say it but I'm 54 years of age and still suffer with spots and very oily skin. I am 7-8 years passed the menopause as well. I hate hate hate it!!!! As if I ain't got enuff things wrong with me!

I have seen recently a commercial for a new acne treatment, but I have forgotten the name of it:blush::blush: All the new treatments-do any of them work?! And it would only be for the face. I have acne on my chest and back too!

Has your GP referred you to the hospital? There is a drug call accutane that they can give at last resort! But it can have loads of side effects!

I still have no clue even what causes oily skin and acne:blush::blush:


28-09-11, 11:47
Oh Savannah you poor thing
Sending hugs..... :hugs:


28-09-11, 14:18
Thank you all, GP prescribed oral anti bs today, I am worried about starting them:-(

29-09-11, 02:24
It's horrible, isn't it?:mad::mad:
I hate to say it but I'm 54 years of age and still suffer with spots and very oily skin. I am 7-8 years passed the menopause as well. I hate hate hate it!!!! As if I ain't got enuff things wrong with me!

I have seen recently a commercial for a new acne treatment, but I have forgotten the name of it:blush::blush: All the new treatments-do any of them work?! And it would only be for the face. I have acne on my chest and back too!

Has your GP referred you to the hospital? There is a drug call accutane that they can give at last resort! But it can have loads of side effects!

I still have no clue even what causes oily skin and acne:blush::blush:


Just remembered the name of the product, it's proactive and the website is here if you wanna take a look: http://www.proactiv.co.uk/?


29-09-11, 09:45
Exposed Treatment is one of the best around. It is proven and comes with a one year guarantee.


Proactive is good too , no doubt about it, you can do a comparison between Exposed and Proactive at


Hope it helps


30-09-11, 18:46
I just use a simple blend of grapeseed oil and tea tree,(2drops of tea tree in 10mls of oil) and I find this really helps, if I do get a bad spot I just dap some neat tea tree on and it goes within a few days. xx

01-10-11, 10:51
There's a website called acne.org started by someone called Dan who suffered from acne. It's got loooads of info and forums with people talking about what has worked for them etc I found it really helpful!
There's so many different solutions out there it's sometimes a matter of trial and error unfortunatley :(

04-01-12, 10:02
More often than not, acne appears to be enhanced by a genetic predisposition to the disease. Other times, it has something to do with the follicles of a person and more often than not, activated by certain hormonal changes that are simply beyond its control. Lifestyle can also be a factor in causing acne and hygiene practices like washing your face is not on a regular basis.
Acne No More (http://www.se-cure.com/acne-no-more-review)