View Full Version : feel sick

18-05-06, 17:12
went out yesterday and drank most of the day on a date, im also on anti-depressants and i ate late last night so didnt give it much time to digest. i was throwing up all night and today have felt awful, u know the feeling of knowing u havent brought all the sick up? well thats the feeling and now thoughts are coming into my head like will i collapse and never wake up cause my body is disfunctioning will i feel like this for the rest of my life?

please help guys

marie ross
18-05-06, 18:06
Hi Katy,

Oh dear, sorry your feeling so rough. I know the feelings very well and i never ever learn my lesson and have gone out and overdone it loads of times. Your feelings are totally natural, its just a hangover, but because your panicking and anxious the problems just seem so much worse. When i've overdone it, i can't even leave the sofa, everytime i try to stand up i just feel sick and dizzy. All i can suggest is pain killers and load and loads of liquids, i can't drink plain old water it has to be fizzy (love fanta). It will pass, and if your're like me in any way you'll probably end up doing it all over again!!!!

Take care, Marie XXX

PS. How was your date????

18-05-06, 18:10

It is called a hangover I am afraid and hopefully you won't do that again.

Not a good idea to be drinking all day when you are on meds and I am not surprised you have been ill.

Drink loads of water as you will be dehydrated and get an early night.

Your body is disfunctioning as you abused it lol. It will recover tomorrow.


18-05-06, 18:42
oh dear definatly a hangover, i hate that feeling.. drink plenty of fluids (non alcholic) and youll be fine xxxx

jools xx

18-05-06, 19:15
Hi Katy

Yup as the others say its a good old hangover

Im like Marie & can only ever drink fizzy drinks to get away from the rough feeling.


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

18-05-06, 20:06
Hey there, when i feel like this i find flat coca cola helps you stop feeling sick. I always feel ten times worse after a night out (or an alldayer!) Will we ever learn?!

Love India xx

18-05-06, 21:51
Hi Katy

I too found out the hard way a couple of weeks ago that Anxiety and Alcohol just dont mix well, just seems to heighten the anxiety levels and then make us panic when we experience hangover symtpoms, it will soon wear off tho, plenty of fresh air and orange juice and a Bacon buttie works a treat!

Take Care

Wendy xx

19-05-06, 09:05

Hope you are feeling better love.

I feel poo this morn am very hungover...
god knows why i do this to myself....will we ever learn!!!

I am now going back to die at my desk!!!!

Hay x

19-05-06, 10:14
hi katy-first time i have ever replied here-just wanted to say hope you are feeling a little better. i can relate to your feelings after a night out, although i don't drink at all myself if i am out late it seems to trigger panic, get tired very easily. so frustrating, just wish i could go out and enjoy myself like other people do. let us know how you are getting on take care.