View Full Version : help!!

27-09-11, 17:40
okay so i have been worried about being pregnant since coming off the Pill, me and my boyfriend had sex with a condom no rips tears or nothing we double checked.
however i have been panicked that i'm pregnant and now today i started what i think is my period thats come two days after i was due.
its only very light and none of it goes on my pad, just when i go for a wee and wipe theres blood its been going on for about i'd say 7 hours?
i'm very worried but i also know that coming off the pill can cause irregular and abnormal periods.
someone help does this sound like me coming off the pill? :(

27-09-11, 18:59
Hard to answer your question cos you don't say how long it is since you stopped taking your pill.
I'd suggest a quick call to your local family planning clinic..there are so many different types of pill,they will be able to tell you whether it's an effect of coming off the pill. They'll also do you a preg test if they think you need one?
Sorry if this isn't helpful but a proper answer would need more info and you'd be better talking to the experts. They will give you information even if they didn't issue your pill. Gps aren't always up to speed about contraception but family planning are the experts

Good luck

27-09-11, 19:28
It's been about a month now. So this is the fisrt period i've had since coming off the pill and have heard it can make your period very light/abnormal for the first few months of coming off the pill. its barely there but i can't stop obsessing over it to check if its still there. it has pretty much come on time as i'm only about 2 days late, my periods before the pill were pretty irregular anyway.
i have been stressing about it for a few days but talked to my mum about it last night and felt more at ease and then today i got my what i think is my period so ic an't help but feel it's stress thats causing it to be like this. i've also not eaten for a whole day from stressing too.