View Full Version : what do you tell the doctor ?

27-09-11, 21:15
hello, i have been getting re-occuring panic attacks and anxiety for several years, i have not been to the the doctor in over a decade (despite should have going in the past for physical ailments).

circumstances changed and i left my job a while ago now (only part time) due to panic attacks and i am hoping to get some sort of medical help although i really don't know how to phrase it properly to a doctor?

The whole process seems VERY weird of going to a doctor and describing intangible symptoms (especially when i have avoided going in the past for physical ones)?

has anyone exerienced similar thoughts ?, it seem's neigh on arrogant (or something?) to just go and say "oh yes; i get panic attacks all the time, can i have some medication, thanks!" ???


27-09-11, 21:30
Just be honest - and trust yourself! I knew instantly what was "wrong" with me the first time I got a massive panic attack, so I told my doctor exactly what I thought and felt. :)

Good luck! :hugs:

27-09-11, 21:31
Don't know whether this will help but I went to the doc and just told her how I felt..anxious panicky stressed etc etc. SHe gave me citalopram and diazepam..but because I knew that talking therapies really help with panic and anxiety I asked to see the counsellor ( my practice has it's own which is great) and got to meet him same day to talk to him about cbt etc
It's not arrogant to go and ask for what you need..but if you feel up to it ask your doc about access to some additional therapies as well as medication.

Good luck ..it's brave to make that first move

27-09-11, 23:46
Ditto ^^ above
good luck with the docs just be honest, they've heard it all before :)

27-09-11, 23:56
Yes, that is exactly what you should do. Go see a psychiatrist and tell him point blank about your panic attacks, and that they are destroying your life, and then ask him if you and he could work together at developing a medication program to help you get your life back.


P.S. There is one thing I would like to mention: antidepressants, mood elevators, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, etc., DO NOT diminish panic. The only drugs that can eliminate/control panic at all are fairly high doses of tranquilizers such as Xanax, etc. (the benzodiazepines) and (believe it or not) mild stimulants such as Provigil or Nuvigil. My point is this: if you do go see a doctor about your panic disorder and he prescribes an antidepressant it will do nothing to reduce or alleviate your panic attacks.

Good luck.

29-09-11, 01:36
I agree with everyone else...no need to overthink what to say as you said it perfectly in your post! Stick to the facts. You've had panic attacks for several years now, lost a job due to these attacks, and need medical help to get your life back on track. I too feel your pain as I had to resign from a job I loved due to having panic disorder. I just also lost my grandfather so I am feelin worse at the moment. I will be going back to my doctor (which I hate doing also!) to see if I need an adjustment to my meds. Let us know how it goes and you are doing 100% the right thing!!!

09-10-11, 01:08
thats for all your posts, i think its my anxiety that has been preventing me from going in the past.

i genuinely don't feel the need for, or wan't any sympathy, i don't like beeing the focus of attention and really, i would probably prefer to be on ESA (although i was earning more with my job) basically and not have to visit the doctor on a regular basis (as i would have to ask family for a lift each time; i can't manage a bus full of people) AND continue as i am with the anxiety and panic attacks; does that sound really ignorant / arrogant (just wanting benefeits basically)?

I feel like i need a "genuine" bad (physical) ailment to go to the doctor for that and then slip in "oh yes and ....", i did have a bad one (i will spare you the details) which passed after a year and currently i have some ailments, and i have two cracked teeth that give me pain sometimes (not been going to the dentist either) but it's like i need proof to show the doctor, validation, does that sound strange ?

does or did anyone have a similar thought process ?

thanks again!