View Full Version : readings for peak flow

27-09-11, 21:16
hi guys
just wanded if anyone had done a peak flow test at home .my doc gave me one to do at home for a fortnight my reading was 550 just wanded if this was norm

27-09-11, 22:35
It does depend on age-height and male or female, 550 is reasonable for a male aged about 20 and 5'6" tall, a male 35 and 6' should reach 600+ easily (my son had the flow meter as he was asthmatic when young) has your doc asked you to record all your readings on a sheet?


28-09-11, 20:17
hi bruno
yes iv got to record my readings for 2 wks iv just turned 50 last wk im 5 9 amd smoked since i was 14 . i do keep fit .i cant get past 575 on the peak flow

the reason im doing it is because i keep geting back pain that goes into my chest when i got this tube i blew into it around 4 times as you do with a new toy . but i got that pain again when i take a deep breath i get this pain like a musle but some thing to do with my breathing iv had lots of test and xrays but they cant find anything im getting worried all the time