View Full Version : Left side pain

18-05-06, 19:09

About two weeks ago my left side was killing me. I ignored it (I always have something wrong with me) and it went away. Now my left side ..right below my rib cage feels like some one is stabbing me with a knife. It doesn't happen all the time, just here and there.

Any suggestions?


18-05-06, 19:54
I used to have odd pains like that, not sure if I remember any in that particular spot but its certainly your anxiety. Either overly tense muscles that need relaxing or a build up of stress inducing toxins.

I would suggest to burn off the toxins: exercise! And then take some time out to relax. If you fish around there are plenty of relaxation methods on this site. Have a bath, sit quietly with some soft music, whatever, just focus on releasing the tension and relaxing those muscles.

Hope you feel better.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

18-05-06, 21:34
Thanks for your reply.

I keep thinking it might be IBS or something worse. I know IBS goes along with anxiety.

I don't have any other symptoms though, so it probably is nothing.

19-05-06, 07:19
Hi kelly - I get stabbing pains in that area too, sometimes a quick sharp pain, sometimes it can last a while and hurts when I breathe in. I put it down to either wind, indegestion or muscle twinges if I'm sat hunched over for too long.
Love Helen